Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Jose Canseco Worships the Buddhas
Legendary steroidal basebag, the odious Cancesobag, is all spiritual n’ stuff. He wanted you to know that.
Speaking of inflated stats, those boobs are also apparently playing in the steroid era.
Now that’s just fucking gross. Tits that look like Canseco injected d-bol into a couple of jellyfish. If I wanted a topographical map of Southern Utah, I would go to fucking Utah, not Poolside Vegas and have to buy it drinks.
douchiest couple
That is indeed just gross. All three of them.
btw, those tits are about 1000 times bigger than his roid shriveled nads
Geez, if you put any more silicone in those puppies, it’ll start leaking out. If you know what I mean and I think that you do.
What do you people mean? She’s super hot and all natural!! *insert sarcasm*
Reminds me of the Foster Farms chicken commercials.
Fuck that cunt Jesse James. Why is he even in our collective consciousness? <br.
Canseco, however, is fucking hilarious. I wear my #33 Red Sox t-shirt to Red Sox games. People think it’s a Varitek T and then they notice. The reactions are comedy as everyone has a comment
Greatest hi-lite in baseball history:
Those can only be described as “Buddha-sized Tits.”
^Hermit FTW.
Bring back those Mexican spinner chicks!!!
He’s grinning like Dr. Frankenstein has just lightning bolted, zapped,and produced his latest monster.
Vin: love that highlight, never saw that one before.
All the comments about her ridiculous rack and nothing about her ugly face ? come on
Her face? Well she’s been duped into the larger saline solution or larger bag blown up,and I don’t think she’s altogether happy about it. Plus her shirt is falling off. Poor dumb thing.
Thanks @Vin Douchal. I don’t know how to post videos on this sight, but that’s the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the Cansecobag.
BTW: Her boobs look harder than his head.
.And even less sexy.
.Jose can you see what a turd you’ve become?
Somewhere….Roberto Clemente weeps.
Did they remove Mark McGuires biceps and implant them into her chest?? Canseco looks a shit I once took after vorasciously consuming 2 full bags of carrots and a loaded sweet potato.
D B 1 categorized this as “Cabana Baggery,” and there is nary a cabana in sight.
I believe what he meant was “Cubana Baggery.”
I got no beef with Canseco. She is gross.
I’m a little giddy with this one, fellers:

This chick looks she could be Francine’s younger, untarnished sister. Jessica from TCU:
Wow, uncanny resemblance
Sure, Vin. Untarnished. Untainted. Pure. Clean.
Dude, she goes to TCU. Know what that stands for in the Mountain West?
Well, ok. I’ll give you a hint. Like on Wheel of Fortune.
Tainted “????” University.
Four letter work, rhymes with “rock”.
Wedgie is a “????”
Four letter word, rhymes with “can’t fuccen type”.
Damn that’s one sexy mumu she’s wearing.
@Vin the pic of her in the sparkly top and the blue fanny pack is the shiz dizzle.
And why does nobody talk about binge drinking on here anymore. FYI, I don’t count RevChad as an actual person. I’m looking to get crunk and eat some mother fucking Chinese food. Who is with me on this?!!@@!
I’ve had a shitty day, so I have to say that those breasts were actually a welcome sight. I’m normally not one for schadenfreude, but LOOK AT THOSE RIDICULOUS, FAKE, TITANIUM GLOBES. Bringing new meaning to the euphemism ‘knockers’.
@Nancy Dreuche
I cooked the Mrs. and rotten two little brats a fucking double whammy tonight. One choice was leek, fennel, rotting Vidalia onions, and fenugreek blanched-stir-fried chicken with venison testicle coulis. The other was fucking chili.
Nobody wanted the chili are you retarded!
And those people in the picture are fucking retarded. Can I have a second?
Post your fucking Super Bowl Chili recipe already! I fucking love chili! I put it over rice and sprinkle cheese on top.
This photo was taken at the Playboy Mansion, shortly before all those in attendance were [fill in blank here].
Holy deployed airbags woman! Implant much?
Say what you want about him, but at least he had the balls to admit he did roids.
Never get your tits done by Dr Nick Riviera.
Damn Dreuche your a bad influence….but I like it.
Her breasts are horrifying.
Jessica from TCU requires salty fuccen ropes.
Canseco not so much a douche as buffoon!
Mary Mammagedon is pissed.
Nancy Dreuche was such an ugly baby her parents had to bathe her in catnip so the cats wouldn’t kill her.
Boy was I drunk yesterday.
@Rev, you are so doing my Roast. And Chinese Food and red wine aren’t so awesome the next morning. Barf. I don’t know how you hang Rev.
Nepos Clampers
I can’t read the lanyard, I’ll have to get closer… Just a little bit closer…Just a lit.. MOTORBOAT!
Wait, is that her swimsuit bottom in his right hand?
When she dies her children will use her breast skin for the catering tents at the funeral party.
What’s up with Jose’s right hand?
The first rule of Roid Club is, you do not talk about Roid Club.
I second the Rev’s retard call. Sorry for the delay, I wasn’t drinking last night or this morning.
I like how these assholes put on clothing inspired by eastern philosophy and what not, when they’re just cash grabbing assholes screaming look at me, underneath it all.
I’m not bitter,I’m just tired of it.
What guarantee do we have that that is, in fact, Jose Canseco, and not his twin brother, Ozzie? They’ve pulled this ruse before!
Jose obviously has an eye for cool jewelry….
And by cool, I mean shitty.