Sunday, March 11, 2012
Classic Movies Subtitled For Bros
For your Sunday bemusement.
EDIT: On an unrelated note, Slate wonders when “douchebag” became a popular insult again, fails to mention HCwDB. Slate therefore earns an honorary Douchebag of the Month for total and complete ‘bag hunting ignorance.
I hope I’m not killing the ratio by laughing at that.
What are you talking about the ratio here is awesome? For me. Gotta love bro mentality. On the rare occasion I get some its when I exploit it.
Brian Palmer is a Douchebag
Adults adulterating the youthquake and Belafonte singing “day-o” on the sound system; sub-title: Weekend at Dreuche’s Mom’n’Pop’s house.
Not bad, but we could do much better.
In the Chinatown clip, the dude to the immediate left of Jack is Jack Glover, Crispin’s father (Marty McFly, Sr.) who played the gay assassin from “Diamonds Are Forever,” also featuring Jill St. John, she of the fire-engine red bush until the Miami Shaving Orgy.
What, no Ginger’s Sex Asylum? Now that was a classic of Ginger Lynn at her beautiful dirtyness before evil Time turned her into an old used up ho-bag.
She was really into anal beads and some good 1980’s classic anal threesomes. Fucking full Nature Bush (respect) lesbian crazyness. Oh Father Time please keep sparing me from the ravages of age and decrepitness.
Always a nice day when you have to clear the driveway in the morning cause the fucking county plow put three feet of fuck off snow crap and slush in your driveway and then it gets so warm your already out picking up the 100 pounds of dog shit that was under the snow.
What? I gotta get stoned Son.
Kroeger, all you seem to do on the weekends is shovel snow from your driveway. Does is snow there all year round?
^I don’t know why my ancestors picked this barren tundra on which to plow their rocky fields and grow marginal crops. Fucking English threw them off their land cause they were Catholic Scots and they needed to raise more muttton fucking Anglos, and this is where the fucking scurvy boat landed.
Scores of rocks removed and trees fallen to grow corn and cows. Then they moved to the city and went to wars and had kids and those kids had kids and I moved south to a more temperate and cosmopolitan climate. Then I met Mr. Kroeger and years later she dragged me back to this doomtown with it’s daily snow five months a year.
But in the four nice months I can golf, hunt, fish, ski, skidoo and find hookers all within 20 minutes of my trailer so it’s not that bad. At least I have a double wide and a shovel.
Fuck! I gotta go smoke some crack.
Did you ever tell the one about Norman Fell’s ballsack? Just curious (no homo.)
You did not. But it is coming.
Welcome to the ‘hood. Adulthood.
Because the werld needs more ‘dults.
NBC is great. I passed out watching SNL, woke up and did some bullshit, ready for the highly-valued Sunday nap, and what’s on? Golf.
Those were some swell links on Friday, and this montage is awesome, DB1!!
You’re welcome!!!
I peed in Ginger Lynn once.
And Amber too.
What about Ginger from Gilligan’s Island?
Yeah …To Kill a Douchebag Bird was real classic. Gregory Pecker was all that and a bag of chips back in the day. When Hollywood still had some class…
Slate always struck me as a hipster douchebags web site…