Friday Haiku
Every one of us
Has a little douche in them;
Including these girls.
A midget sandwich
Is always unappealing
Even with bleeth bread
— Doucheywallnuts
Banishment from the
Lollipop Guild turned Herman
to the douchey side.
— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche
Asian Jill is blazed
Pam’s clearly drunk; while Jim’s like,
“Where my shorties at?!”
— saulgoode42
wee man’s pick up line:
“I was an ewok, baby”
blondie thinks, “why not?”
— Douche Springsteen
Somewhere in the scaffolds
Johnny Knoxville prepares to
Let go a brown shower.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
At the Star Wars Wrap
Ewoks go Berserk with Booze!
There was just one pint.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Joined at the sternum
Bleeth/midget Siamese twins
A frightening site
Bleeth seems unaware
She has a midget douchebag
Stuck to her torso
A midget sandwich
Is always unappealing
Even with bleeth bread
Banishment from the
Lollipop Guild turned Herman
to the douchey side.
Asian Jill is blazed
Pam’s clearly drunk; while Jim’s like,
“Where my shorties at?!”
That little devil
Sure can pull the P2Pose
But those chicks are bleeths
Barely legal bleeths
unaware about midget cock
future is ruined
These girls love midgets
The first two-and-a-halfsome
And I will vomit
Chippendales is now
lowering their standards if
he’s feature dancer.
see what I did there?
Auditions for new
“Somewhere Under the Rainbow”
are looking putrid.
He has to throw horns
’cause shocker impossible
on underage bleeths.
wee man’s pick up line:
“I was an ewok, baby”
blondie thinks, “why not?”
Not enough coffee
makes me miss completely on
haiku above. Dolt.
I’ll bet that his tatt
only cost around three bucks.
Not too much ink used.
How can a douche his
size have such a big forehead?
Mother was half horse?
Bleeths are still wary
of offer for “Free moustache
Rides” if he can’t reach.
I guess I’ll get front
page because I’m only one
putting out haikus?
Is that a pot o’
Gold in your pants of are you
Happy to see us.
His cock kept growing
Since the gyroscope was put
In his Monkey Hole.
Unable to mock,
most beautiful girl ever,
Blondie queefs magic.
St. Patrick’s day ruined.
Tiny douche is all there is at
End of the raintat.
Asian Jenny not
impressed with short, furry douche.
Stir fry him for lunch.
Chippendales promo
Touch the drunk midget and get
In free. He don’t bite.
As Austin Powers
Leaves our thoughts, Mini Me ‘bags’
other occasions.
USDA finds
Truth about what happens if you
Eat your Lucky Charms.
Collar, cuffs, and cocck
is usually how I
went on dates with bleeths.
St. Patty’s Day starts on
The sixteenth for high-school chicks
And hepatic dwarfs.
Charlize Theron Hott
Haiti Kid has Alopecia
Sports Reverse Shocker
Somewhere in the scaffolds
Johnny Knoxville prepares to
Let go a brown shower.
He’s no Time Bandit!
He’s more like a Butt Bandit.
Who’ll be ‘Getting Some”!
I don’t like making
Fun of dwarfs. Some of them have
Been great fun to toss.
Pickle him in lye
about a month thinks Inga.
Swedish cracker spread.
At the Star Wars Wrap
Ewoks go Berserk with Booze!
There was just one pint.
Dude plays base for new
Cover band. The Red Hot Chilli
Blonde Vanessa’s life
Was ruined the moment they saved
Parasitic twin.
Bill Shoemaker says
“Ever done it horsey-style?”
Now-famous line works.
Many people say,
“Good things come in small parcels”.
Not these two girls, though.
Standing on a stool
gives this small man a chance to
feel up full-sized girls.
My yellow cocktail
Will take even less time to
Turn into pee pee
Lasers from the left.
Try to sterilize this scene.
You Go, Overlords!
One round, watered drinks
Happy-go-lucky Corkey
Spends SSI check
Now Brian Cranston
Has a sidekick Mini-Me
On show Breaking Bad
The supple back and
gamine glance of a bleeth hott
ruined by douchebag.
Von Goolo could use
Sub-Atomic mini-douche
For next Halloween
Make-A -Wish people
Deliver tatts and showgirls
To doomed nine year old
Vivid Video
Has run out of ideas
Midget bukakke
“Cuddles”, the douche dwarf’s
moment of hershey squirt stink
made him cry with joy.
Twin Peaks sequel Twins Freak
Asian denies being sisters
Blond scoree lip blisters
I can’t imagine
Those stubby things in my holes
Thinks bleeths to themselves
Chippendale Footstool
Blonde Bleeth Asian hott double-team
dwarf plays cover 2
Frodo ‘Baggins had
a Chippendale’s audition.
“Return of the Scrote.”
Doc Bunsen’s front page
rip left me rollin’! Do your
students understand?
The fucked up stubby armed, tattooed little midget defiles an otherwise erotic shot of Bareback Barbie and her semi attractive Asian girlfriend. The midget is creepy enough without adding the fucked up retarded facial expression, realistically convincing by the way, no shirt, and hand gesture complete with creepy stubbly little midget fingers. The bleeths caught it scurrying around just outside the men’s restroom where it likes to hang out and freak people out peeking up at them from underneath the stall partitions.
That guy needs to get karate chopped in the neck by Colin Farrell. Stupid racist! I WILL NOT FIGHT IN YOUR WAR!
@ Wheezer
If it didn’t happen 5 minutes ago they don’t get anything. A generation of retarded zombies I tells ya.
At wrap party for
“Penetrated By A Dwarf”
Oscar not likely
The Yellow Brick Road
Leads to Vegas skankery
The Munchkin went douche.
Is that the pink slime i keep hearing about in the news?