Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Abra Cadaver
In witness of the Abra Cadaver brothers peacocking display of bumpitude, the Sophie Sisters momentarily considered the majestic nature of the great fjords of the Germanic hinterland that haunts the collective unconscious. But the moment was fleeting. And thoughts quickly returned to Appletinis and daddy issues.
Monday, March 19, 2012Ed Hardy and the Bleething of a Supermodel
For those hotts who have not heeded the warning I outlined in my book describing the Grieco/Bleeth path, let the tragic tale of Ed Hardy supermodel Simone Farrow offer yet another reminder.
An Australian swimsuit model accused of being the boss of a global drugs ring — and wanted for fleeing $150,000 bail — was arrested after almost a month on the run.
Former Penthouse Pet and Ed Hardy beach babe Simone Farrow was extradited to Sydney on Wednesday night after her arrest at a cheap hotel on the Gold Coast Highway in eastern Australia.
Accused of trafficking “ice” in bags of bath salts from a plush Hollywood high-rise, Farrow broke down and pleaded her innocence on arrival at Sydney airport.
Flanked by two federal police officers, Farrow, 37, who has at least 19 aliases and a long-lost teenage daughter, claimed she only fled interstate because “someone was trying to murder me.”
Farrow has now been remanded in custody on charges which include the alleged 2009 drug operation. By skipping bail, Farrow put at risk $150,000 surety put up by a Sydney barrister and a flamboyant doctor.
Hmmm… Australian barristers and flamboyant doctors. Whom has this suckle pooch been cohabiting with?
Farrow herself explains the toxic role of HCwDB cohabit in aiding her downfall:
“I’ve been in … relationships with numerous underworld figures or whatever you want to call them and I feel that maybe they feel threatened by my situation,” she told The Sunday Telegraph.
Here, we call them ‘bags.
Let this be a warning: Hotts who wear Ed Hardy are on the road to Bleethdom.
Monday, March 19, 2012'Stachey Keach and the Bronzer Twins Approve of the HCwDB of the Week
You know what cures lupus?
Monday, March 19, 2012HCwDB of the Week: The Lickwipe and Sexy Poochtickle Trina
Your humble narrator continues his New York adventures to mock all things choadal, and covet the purity of the milkshake suckle thigh.
Little known fact, the working title for Raiders IV was actually “Indiana Jones and the Purity of the Milkshake Suckle Thigh.” Or at least it should’ve been.
Nuked fridge my ass.
This week’s winning/losing coupling was not a hard choice at all. Although there was legit options. The Beachbongery of the Comment of the Week, Frooey Buttafuco, the spike of Shmuckholio, Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Pukecoat, and, of course, Mozo the Asian Zen Philosopher.
Thassa lotta choadalpuke.
Meanwhile Wee Willy Crimson has gone straight to the Closet of Poo. Do not pass Go. Do not collect carcinoma.
But there can be only one coupling. And one it is. The DB1 for raspberry pancakes.
Sunday, March 18, 2012Wonka (Remix)
No douchebags on this Sunday, just a bit of remix goodness.
Saturday, March 17, 2012Comment of the Week: Baron Von Goolo
The legendary undead and vampiric Baron Von G discusses Crazy Eyes Karen and wins the coveted HCwDB of the Week:
If the eyes are the window to the soul, CEKaren’s window is narrowed and barred, allowing only a dim shaft of dusty light to illuminate the dank stone room where her shattered dreams huddle in a corner, weeping softly to an audience of centipedes and daddy issues. Or maybe she’s just had too much Red Bull.
Friday, March 16, 2012Friday Thoughts and Links
If there’s one stain that I find hardest to get off my shoes after a vigorous round of street pilates, it’s Aging Rocker Choad.
I’ve read that lemon juice and yak spittle helps to get the grime of failed teenage dreams off one’s shoe after stepping into the residue of years of mediocre bar gigs and unpaid medical bills. And no, momentary affections from Giggle Kelly will not rescind the dark voices of fear that Aging Rocker Choad’s cold and distant Father was correct after all.
Your humble narrator prowls the streets of New York City with wandering eye of boobie hottie suckle thigh, East Coast Librarian Hott edition.
Burgers and weight gain are on the weekend agenda.
Here’s your links:
Your HCwDB French DVD Pick of the Week: “It’s an amazing thing really, when you think about it, we learn life’s most important lessons from TV.”
This week in douche-trends: Mantyhose! Or, as the kids call it, ‘Brosiery.’
Maureen Dowd, the always hip and cutting edge editorial writer at the New York Times, gets down with the kids and jumps on the “What’s Wrong with Men?” bandwagon.
Epic Fail blog brings the Moob Fail.
For those who haven’t seen this, visionary director Sam Gavite takes us behind the scenes of a “Skweezy Jibbs” video shoot.
Vegas brings the herpster subtext into the text.
In Russia, Transvestite Vampire Douche Freaks ‘bag hunt you!
Duckface: The Race for the Cure
But you are not here for Duckface Cure. Well, perhaps you are. But you are also here for Pear. And so Pear shall be:
Go forth and celebrate the Ides of Jane March.
Friday, March 16, 2012Froey Buttafucco
What’s that?…
In the distance…
That strange buzzing noise…
Why… it’s a Blueberry Snot Pie!!
And it’s whizzing… right… towards… Winkolio’s face…
I would chew through legion of intertwined dancing licorice koalas just for the chance to softly rub the childhood blankie of the Malaysian seamstress who helped vulcanize the rubber that produced Lindsey’s taut boobal sweat. And then I would repose with a port wine, and read her Chaucer.
Friday, March 16, 2012Friday Haiku
Every one of us
Has a little douche in them;
Including these girls.
A midget sandwich
Is always unappealing
Even with bleeth bread
— Doucheywallnuts
Banishment from the
Lollipop Guild turned Herman
to the douchey side.
— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche
Asian Jill is blazed
Pam’s clearly drunk; while Jim’s like,
“Where my shorties at?!”
— saulgoode42
wee man’s pick up line:
“I was an ewok, baby”
blondie thinks, “why not?”
— Douche Springsteen
Somewhere in the scaffolds
Johnny Knoxville prepares to
Let go a brown shower.
— The Reverend Chad Kroeger
At the Star Wars Wrap
Ewoks go Berserk with Booze!
There was just one pint.
— Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
Thursday, March 15, 2012"Innocence and Poo Face"
A solid entrant for the 2012-era period of HCwDB found art aesthetics that will eventually find celebration in my triumphant exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in 2023.