Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Pop Quiz
Somewhere in this pic, I’ve boobsily the boobsies hidden boobs.
A. Boobs
B. Boobs
C. Boobs
D. Hey, that guy’s arm looks like alien fungus disease that attacked Kirk on the original Star Trek.
E. Boobs
I want to punch them all in the face. I mean him, her, and both of her tits.
Speaking of her face. tear yourself away from her tits for a second and glance at her face. You’ll be sorry you did.
New club managment said that douchetools need shirts now so he grabbed the one he uses to check the oil from the back floor of his Jetta
Is that Poppin-Skank, the li’l sister of Poppin-Fresh?
Those two artifically enhanced lovebirds truly deserve each other. By the time they’re both 65 years old, they’ll find their chests sagged halfway down to their navels.
ita diffivilr to typr wiyh one jand
too bad those tits couldn’t keep the ugly branches from smacking her in the face when she fell out the tree
he shall be dubbed Launchpad McDouche in all future pics
Those tits are so hard, Sarah Palin couldn’t conjugate them.
All of the above and B( o ) ( o )B’s for $100 and the win and by win I mean plastic surgeons are A-Holes.
Those tits are so hard…. well they just are.
Those tits are so hard, Neil deGrasse Tyson can’t figure them out.
Those tits are so hard, I saw them on a bar exam.
Those tits are so hard, she has to see a doctor if they remain erect for more than four hours.
Jesus! Free of bra restraint those gravity defying juggolas don’t drop a single millimetre. I should be impressed, but I’m more disappointed that they probably don’t offer enough give for a good tittie fuck.
Those tits are so hard, William Shatner can’t memorize them.
Those tits are so hard, Nancy Dreuche tried to glaze them.
Talk about makin’ mountains out of mole hills …
@ tall guy
If glazing tits is wrong then I don’t want to be right.
Those juggs are so hard you could use them as speedbags. Nothing like going out for a night on the town with the same shirt you were wearing while you were doing concrete and putting up drywall with earlier in the day.
In the event of a water landing your tits can be used as a flotation device.
Silicon Valley
No matter how much surgery you have, an ugly face is an ugly face, and no matter how much juice you inject to get big, girly wrists and forearms are girly wrists and forearms.
Let’s celebrate the boob:
You’re welcome.
with those huge plastic flotation devices strapped to her chest – she’ll never drown!
Her upper lip is touching her nose. She has no face taint. I wonder what her kabob looks like.
Those tits are so hard,they’re bongos. He has shit stains all over his shoulder and arm of his shirt.
Harder than Chinese algebra.
I say HOH for this one, but only because her plastic surgeon is one of the few that’s gotten it right. And by right, I mean disproportionately slutty. “If you’re gonna go fake, go all out” as I say.
And great TOTALLY ORIGINAL TATTOO on the scrote. I’ve never seen that design before.
Those tits are so hard San Onofre is consulting with them for a reinforcement.
Oh, and they need to be on Peter Griffin’s side-boob hour.
Those tits are so hard they moonlight as speed bumps.
Those tits are so hard semi’s use them to keep from rolling downhill.
Yes, there is subtle double-entendre here.
Those tits are so hard they could feed a baby cement mixer.
Those tits are so hard they moonlight as guard rails.
Those tits are so hard they take “golden globes” literally.
Those tits are so hard that unbuttoned shirt isn’t voluntary.
Those tits are so hard they need to be polished.
Those tits are so hard they cure anemia.
Those tits are so hard thieves keep trying to steal them for scrap.
Hey, that’s Schmuckhead’s hott!
Those tits are harder than Chinese arithmetic.
Dark Sock…ya beat me….
The Robin Williams version is “harder than Chinese algebra”.
Which they are… Try to bounce a quarter off those things and you risk injury.
DD: B (.)(.) bs
Did someone mistake this guy’s shirt for toilet paper? Whomever it was needs to lay off the cheap bourbon and Pabst.
And those boobs are so taut that the shear created by them rubbing together generates heat and starch gelatinization. Basically, you sprinkle corn flour and barley malt syrup in the top of her cleavage, and fully cooked corn flakes drop out the bottom.
Those tits are so hard jewelers use them to cut diamonds.
Those tits are harder than the cawk slathered in spit that’s thrusting violently between them: mine.
The five most unyielding substances known to man:
1) wurtzite boron nitride
2) lonsdaleite
3) Republican senators
4) diamond
5) Boobsy’s boobsies
That’s some bra, bro!
An Affliction storm rages above the finest of the Grand Tetons
The Grandest of tetons, as it were…
Finalist for Golden Globes 2012.
And by “Golden” I mean “Orange™”
I don’t even want to punch him. Her tits are harder than he is.
Her hard man made store bought tits make up for his limp steroid shrunk penis… any case it doesn’t really matter…they both are too much into themselves to have sex with anyone but themselves.
Hey DB1!
You may not have caught it, but this Hott appeared twice in August of 2009 (yes, I remember. Damn do I remember!). 🙂
I think “DoucheRod”s links are incorrect though:
See (Hottie in cap, both pics)
Sore on her upper lip,Frankenboob.
Dude reminds me of a Pumpy without quite so much pump. As for Boobsy, her tits are so hard even Black Dynamite couldn’t resist another promotional opportunity. By which I mean they’re so hard even Godel couldn’t prove they were complete.