Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Grillza Cuddles with Bethany


Still out there.

Still Reservoir Douchey.

# posted by douchebag1
7:19 am March, 13 Dan said...

He’s just trying to deflect attention from the broad expanse of his bald head. ‘Taint working.

Early contender for Most Expensive First Date Hott?

7:31 am March, 13 Doucheywallnuts said...

That purple velour dress looks like it may be hiding an ample mid-drift. And her grill is suspect….Expensive date if you base it on possible food consumption and the need for dim lights.

7:42 am March, 13 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

Would someone explain the grillz thing to me…before I suck his head through his asshole with a large neodymium magnet.




.Magnet wins!

7:56 am March, 13 Douchble Helix said...

Dude with tranny.


Tranny happens to be his sister. Brother. Whatever.

8:01 am March, 13 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

@ Helix…you might be onto something there, sir.

In any event, if Grillz goes south with his mouth, he will be in need of tweezers additional to toothbrush and whatever else is takes to clean said grillz. Throwing up a little in my mouth now..

8:27 am March, 13 Charles Nelson Douchely said...

The chick is Quebec weatherbunny Vicky La Tour. Forecast calls for 100 percent chance of schmuck.

8:38 am March, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Could be a Canadian chick as sure as Michael Buble’s taste in ass is as homo as his music.


Sinatra Posers

And I’m lookin’ straight at you Harry Connick Jr. you fake Cajun actor fuckhead Sidney Crosby looking gay as southern shit-eating as fucking Mitt Romney asshole When Harry Met Sally It Has To Be You Regurgitating Paula Deen guest butter dark roux tasting fucker Bush Bashing hurricane conspiracy theory Brad and Angelina humping cracker player piano faking bassstyaaaaaaaartd.

8:51 am March, 13 Medusa Oblongata said...

“Why do I gotta be Mr. Douche?”

9:40 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

Dick, dick,dick,dick,dick,dick,dick.


That’s a lot of dick

9:42 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

You fist pump near me in a dream you better wake up and apologize

9:47 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

Ain’t that a sad sight, Daddy, the man walks in the club a normal man, walks out talkin’ like a fuccin’ douchnozzle

9:50 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

You’re acting like a first year fucking douche! I’m acting like a professional douchebag!

9:59 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

And I’ll bet you everything from a diddle-eyed Joe to a damned if I know that in Milwaukee they got a sheet on this Grillza motherfucker’s ass

10:05 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...
10:05 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote has a step-brother?

10:08 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

You two assholes, calm the fuck down! Hey, come on! What are we on a playground here? Am I the only professional? You’re actin’ like a bunch of fuckin’ douchebags man. Did you ever work with douchebags ? Just like you two always saying they’re gonna Bro’ each other!

10:26 am March, 13 tall guy said...

He looks like a captain from one of those joints in Little Italy w/- a fine old tradition of police raids. Like the place where Crazy Vito Dreuche was pinched twice last year. And his cousin Anthony Dreuche, likewise known as Tony Numbers was an after midnight regular until he mysteriously disappeared. More recently Grillza was busted for serving wine because someone uttered the magic word “Chianti.” Unfortunately the premises were unlicensed and his customer was a narc.

There are no menus. Whatever you want If they’ve got it in the kitchen, ecco la! Order generic: shrimp, veal, calamari. Then by color. Linguini with mussel sauce…red or white? The house wine arrives in an unlabeled bottle. And the food, family style, on big oval platters. Sixty baked mussels, for example, are served for a party of six. Juicy, garlicky and good. Stuffed mushrooms are less interesting and slightly singed. A product of that Little Italy kitchen maven Maria Dreuche, and her loving though oversized hands. The leftovers would feed another table. Or possibly Fat Louie Dreuche, if he weren’t too hungry or wasn’t currently doing a stretch for tax avoidance. The crowd eclectic: tourist couples, merchants and salesmen, a diplomat, a bearded pop-music critic, glamorous young men in tight fitting European suits, a sexagenarian with Lolita and at the next table a bull-necked fellow saying, “I don’t want to get myself killed.” The Black Hand Gourmet Inspection Society recently awarded this joint Three Acorn Fed Hams. Grillza has the plaque at his mom & pops house aka home.

10:30 am March, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I think Vin is inferring that this guy may be child beater, and how the fuck can he afford bail, douchebag Michael Madsen known for his roles as tough guys and his new role as an aspiring Gary Busey. Ya don’t beat up kids for smoking pot for fucks sake. It’s medicine ya drunktank.

And get the fucking grill outta my face, yo.


10:32 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

By the magic word “Chianti.” you mean “the safe word during feltching”

10:36 am March, 13 Vin Douchal said...

This NEVER gets old:br<


10:49 am March, 13 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Samurai Scrote took three steps towards the door.


We never saw him no more.

10:50 am March, 13 Jacques Doucheteau said...

The highway IS Samurai Scrote’s way.

11:07 am March, 13 Nancy Dreuche said...

@tall guy, I thought this wasn’t a contest but thanks for the flashback of a very Dreuche Family Christmas. For the record though we usually have crab prepared by my very Italian father who I obviously have no issues with. In other words he’s a real great guy.

11:13 am March, 13 Douchble Helix said...

You guys crack me up. And I *know* that’s not Edith Bunker in that movie clip.


Really enjoying this new & improved tall guy!


Not the best 15 minutes of Steven Wright I ever sat through, but, you takes the good with the bad, na mean?

11:36 am March, 13 Sir Huddleston Fuddleston said...

It’s “midriff.”

11:41 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote can cook bacon from 38 feet away using only his doom scowl.

11:44 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote beached the Italian cruise ship The Concordia when he decided to have sex with its gyroscope using his monkey stick.

11:45 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote can launch a fully adult-sized Inuit indian into low earth orbit using only a single strap-muscle from his third sphincter.

11:45 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote invented fucking.

11:46 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote won the Tour de France by riding on Lance Armstrong.


In 1953.

11:47 am March, 13 DarkSock said...


11:47 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

One time I asked Samurai Scrote “Hey, guess what?”



And he guessed it.


True story.

11:48 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote’s sex toy is a 1989 IROC Z Camaro.

11:48 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote’s favorite restaurant is Men’s Wearhouse.

11:49 am March, 13 tall guy said...

Dreuche, what’s that? Your dad gave you crabs?



11:50 am March, 13 DarkSock said...

Whenever Samurai Scrote decides he’d like to eat a little Mexican he patrols the southern US border.


On Lance Armstrong.

11:54 am March, 13 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

I didn’t know The Dollar Store sold suits.

3:18 pm March, 13 Nancy Dreuche said...

@tall gay, if by crabs you mean a delightful childhood, then yes, my Dad gave me crabs.

4:53 pm March, 13 Stephanie said...

Next time I see Steven Wright,I ought make sure it’s not some homeless man instead.

What is with these Italian looking men buy ugly shiny suits. You’re not Dean Martin.

5:06 pm March, 13 Nostradouchus said...

K-Fed got stylish for this skank.

6:57 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote yodels munchkins

6:58 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote roller skates IN Captain & Tenille

6:58 pm March, 13 creature said...

by IN Samurai Scrote means he puts his feet in them

6:59 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote uses midgets as pencils

7:01 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote told Noah to build an ark….Noah got confused by the instuctions & loaded 2 of every animal

SS toldhim to LAY 2 of every animal

7:03 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote hews trees with mancrack hair

7:05 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote is infallible while defecating

7:05 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote plays air guitar with badgers…in heat

7:07 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote has a tractor beam that collects hobo lint

7:08 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote dips bat guano

7:09 pm March, 13 creature said...

the spittle charges midget racers….

7:09 pm March, 13 creature said...

….that’s lil’ men dashing about

7:11 pm March, 13 creature said...

when Samurai Scrote speaks in tongues, human tongues fly out of his mouth

7:12 pm March, 13 creature said...

when Samurai Scrote leaks santorum, he calls it Rick

7:13 pm March, 13 creature said...

Samurai Scrote can benchpress fear

8:13 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote belches sausage made from amphibians

8:13 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote named the moon. The moon is named Samurai Scrote .

8:13 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote has a sofa made of living children

8:14 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote’s deep shag carpet is made of busted Jägermeister bottles and broken dreams.

8:15 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote’s pubic hair is actually a writhing mass of lesser men’s penii.

8:15 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote has a remote control asshole.

8:16 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote ran as a candidate in the GOP primary but his social platform was deemed as too moderate.

8:16 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote hacked cell phones for Rupert Murdock.


Using actual hatchets.

8:17 pm March, 13 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote masturbates in Braille.

8:11 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote does cardio by eating the hearts & minds of men

8:11 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote makes coffee by crushing Mayan bones…with his thighs

8:12 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote invented punk rock by punking the Osmond Brothers

8:13 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote goes to the zoo to eat chimps

8:14 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote has sex only once a year

it last for a year

8:15 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote can make it rain….mucus & dwarf entrails

8:16 am March, 14 creature said...

Samurai Scrote kicked Robert Zimmerman in the balls in 1958

12:21 pm March, 14 DarkSock said...

Samurai Scrote’s left testicle is a sanctioned NFL football.

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