Sunday, April 29, 2012
You Can't Keep a Douchebag D.J. Away From Sucking on YouTube
And the inexorable death knell for creativity within the human species continues.
And the inexorable death knell for creativity within the human species continues.
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So, in 2 seconds she became a cootchie ho?
Yes. Yes, she did.
I got through about 1.50 and ran. The thing is though, as utterly douchie as it is, it is a telling document on just how utterly fucked USA (and by extension, anyone who pays attention to the entertainment vomitus emitted from Los Angeles) culture is. Shit is TOXIC. These people are fascist pigfuckers in the making. The energy picture is going to start going sharply south after about 2017. When that happens, these twits won’t have the emotional mechanisms to form any kind of solidarity. They will scamper head first with their me-first attitude, and boom, straight into the arms of some fascist pigfucker who will promise them food and AngryBirds for slavery.
At least they blow up the house at the end. Hopefully some of them were still in it.
It takes a lot to mess up girls kissing but this video did it. I think I saw Dark Sock lurking in one of the party scenes.
Kind D sighting at 2:44 in. I feel so honored. That party must have been wiggidy wack what with the King there. Well if this and tall guys comments were all I had to asses humanity I would definitely say yes there is an overwhelming lack of creativity. Luckily though I know to look further than this site for hope for the future.
Give it up to Nancy Dreuche for the “Kind D sighting at 2:44 in”!
Thanks D. Helix. Hey how come collages as of late? There’s been like a titrillion boobs. And I swear that MILF awhile back was totally Holly. But without a side by side I couldn’t be sure.
I give it up for Nancy’s ability to make it 2:44 into the video. I lasted 20 seconds.
Yeasty Boys
I can’t stand that shit. Well, I can’t stand at this pint anyway.
I used to live in L.A. Now I wretch in L.A. That is just the blinkard, philistine, pig ignorance I’ve come to expect from that non-creative garbage!
Philistinas give good knobbers though!
…and, no disrespect to pigs^
… — … and if anyone calls me a thread-fluffer, well my position stands, firmer than I can. The position from the other thread I was fluffing.
Dark Sock is back. That was the worst sunday video yet.
I feel rather dirty now knowing I boned a chick who has pictures with one of those bags.
La la land…..made it to 41 seconds…watching a douche beat air drum to an electronic drum track is where I stop.
If I told y’all what I’d been doing since Thursday…you wouldn’t believe me…
@DarkSock, please dont tell me youve been posting as tall guy, but hopefully whatever it was theyre not gonna press charges.
Learn. How to. Sing.
Wait…on second thought, don’t. Just figure out how to go choke on your own sac and that put in some practice sections doing that.
What this world needs more of is a-tonal rap songs, sung in the off-key of B-flat, featuring drunk girls shaking their asses in the camera.
Yep, that’s what the world is clamoring for.
.That, and more machine guns.
Given the current state of affairs, I expect to see these douches on a Vegas billboard soon….featured as some in-house DJs at some waste dump of a night club.
You can’t make aleatoric music, without Alia (Janine). Shit, she spelled her name wrong. Dumb bitch! Nice tits though
is this weekend bender over yet?
Damn. Someone found King D before me.
That was Sofa King horrendous.
No offense Nostradouchus, but I’ve kinda always been a little ahead of the curve when it comes to noticing and realizing things. ;). Gift and curse.
‘Sockamouche! ‘Sockamouche! will you do the fandouchego! Blunderfort and flything, very berry cry thing…me! okay, I must be dread now.
‘Sock got laaaaaaaiduh, video soon to be TMI
Was he really that fuccedurp?
Why hasn’t anyone shot me yet??
With a moniker like Dark Sock, I’d believe just about anything he says, and then stuff it into an even darker sock.
I could only take it with the sound turned off, and then for only 1 min 59 secs of sex.themed.crapola.
It’s nice to see The Dude use the term “aleatoric music” cuz the only time I ever heard that was listening to Terry Riley stuff back in the 70’s, notably “A Rainbow in Curved Air.”
The Dude has performed with Mr. Riley, most notably in a lava tube on the island of Lanzarote. 1 kilometer under sea, and 20 km west of Morrocco, where we got the hash for “sunrise tea”. Good sunrises there on Lanzarote.
Aleatoric? I usually associate that method with another colleague, Witold Lutoslawski. Wow for an old guy Lute could pull the hotts! And he actually knew how to wear a scarf on his neck.
Before I say one word further about aleatoric music, I must say that Pierre Boulez is a douchebag. And he’s an old French bitch, so he knows how to pronounce the term douche.
Tolouse Lautrec
“Print is dead.”
– Dr. Egon Spengler