Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    HCwDB of the Week: Steve and Corona Hott

    With Sonya already in the Hall of Hott, Jesus bling tatts and Tiny Dancer Smile cohabit is our winner (loser).

    And your humble narrator for Corn Pops.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, May 28, 2012

    Happy Memorial Day!

    From all of us here at HCwDB. And by all of us, I mean those who like to mock shifty-eyed platinum choadwinks, and are willing to buy their hot chick a drink provided it’s under ten dollars.

    May you pensively reflect on those who have gone before us to form this great Nation on this Memorial Day. Or around the world. Unless you live in one of the countries we invaded for no reason. In which case, I apologize that half this country are a bunch of half-baked maroons.

    And may you find Spiritual Pear awaiting you as a reward from the Buddha God Head for such spiritual work.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, May 27, 2012

    Jersey Shore Shark Attack

    Just when you thought it was safe to watch the SyFy Channel…

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, May 26, 2012

    Comment of the Week: The Reverend Chad Kroeger

    In helping to anoint our newest member of the sacred Hall of Hott, Sonya, with prose of celebratory purity boobie hottie suckle thigh, The Rev. wins the coveted Comment of the Week:


    With only 299 of my nearest acquaintances, I would fight Xerxes of the H.M.H. (Heathen Moslim Horde) and 500K of his goat blasters for the chance to be dragged 100 miles dehydrated in the Sahara sun to bleed on the glass her one female ancestor left as they fled from Old Jerusalem with no weapons but hair blowers and extension cords. For the chance only that I may hear a recording of her voice on Victrola with my Grandmother’s ghost whispering ” Please don’t listen.” As I listen on the phone to her sighs of ignorance as I take my dying breath sucking on a nipple.


    And no, there ain’t no vote. When a future ex-Mrs.-DB1 makes her pre-librarian divorce hott purity appearance, the Hall is enshrined with ostrich tickle.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Friday Thoughts and Links

    Creepy Crustacean Bros continue to haunt America’s young chicas, and what’s Obama done about it? Nothing! Nothing I tells you.

    Where’s Dick Cheney when you need him. With a buckshot to the doucheface.


    Your humb narrs is all sorts of itchy and irritated today.

    Too many Hollywood battles to recount. Some good, some great, some a flying pile of rotten euro-pie in the face of the Godhead.

    Here’s your links:

    Your HCwDB Pick of the Somewhat Depressing Great Work of Groundbreaking Graphic Novel: “Friends? Your friends? If you lock them together in a room with no food for a week…Then you could see what it is, friends!…”

    Worst. Tattoo. Ever. (NSFW)

    Maxim’s Hot 100 has Semitic Boobie Tickle Pooch Spackle Suckle Thighs at #1 and #3.

    The always ahead-of-the-curve city of San Francisco debuts Sausage-Fest Fighting Bar Software. Or, as they used to call them, “bouncers.”

    I often discover HCwDB’s influence in surprising places. RIP big guy. We still miss you.

    Reader Et Tu Douche? tags a Goose Car.

    Tanning Mom still burnt. Still from Jersey.

    Arizona continues to rapidly devolve into the second most useless, ignorant, ass-backwards and pathetic state in the union (Texas holding strong at #1).

    After Herpsters… “Chappies”?

    You are here for Pear:

    Mmmm… Hypertoned Aryan Longjump Pear… but that’s not the pear we speak of… for it is

    Table Pear

    Little known fact, the 13th Century Sephardim included Table Pear on their Passover seder plate. It represented the pillows of our forefathers, who were denied boobie hottie suckle thigh by Pharoah.

    Or whateves. Go forth and have fun tonight.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Douche Parking

    Even Londoners are getting in on the mock.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, May 25, 2012

    Friday Haiku

    “I guess I could double

    His fat, salt and carb intake”,

    Jan sulked to herself…

    All of Tony’s loot

    Wasn’t enough to keep Jan

    From boning his son

    — saulgoode42

    One million dollars

    Each time I let this fat ass

    On top of me. Woo!

    — The Dude

    This is what happens

    When one wants to be the next

    Anna Nicole Smith

    — Charles Nelson Douchely

    Money can’t buy love

    But it can make a fat guy

    Rich in blowies, Sons.

    — Pooch Spackle

    The remembers the

    First time he mounted her. Her

    Mons Pubis was crushed.

    — v

    Hide the Viagra

    She thinks as he palms her ass

    Holding back vomit

    — Doucheywallnuts

    She bangs really hard

    Trying to loosen the stints

    Heart bypass gold mine

    — Vin Douchal

    Money can’t buy love

    But it can buy a tank top

    that hides man teats. Hint.

    — Pooch Spackle

    Ahab did it wrong:

    Best way to catch great white whale –

    Spear him with whorepoon.

    — Sir Huddleston Fuddleston

    800 Euros

    Buys you a Moldovan girl

    Keep passport in safe

    — Ich verstehe sie ist heiß

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    'Bag / Nottabag: Ed "Too Tall" Bones

    What say you? ‘Bag? ‘Notta? I’m probably going with notta. Ed “Too Tall” Bones seems like the best cooler to ever work at the Double Deuce.

    Mmm… oh Kelly Back Arch. How your soft pillows arch with distening glew in the Vegas morn. I poke and prod each one with a willow branch to observe skin tautage, and then whimper in a laundry basket for Gozer the Destroyer’s fire and brimstone promises, before softly slipping into a REM sleep dream about butterfly fly swatter butt slapping the Patriots Cheerleading Team.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    Grinny Vinnie Scores Sonya

    The real question, of course, is what text did Background Jake just receive?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 24, 2012

    Smarmy Moe

    Smarmy Moe: Challo! Do you like my Corsican accent? It is like the Dos Equis Man, no?

    Kimberly: Who?

    Smarmy Moe: You know, the Most Interesting Man in the World?

    Kimberly: Who?

    Smarmy Moe: Would you like to touch my peen later?

    Kimberly: What?

    Smarmy Moe: I’m referring to intercourse.

    Kimberly: Inter-what?

    Smarmy Moe: Nevermind. Another Cosmo?

    Kimberly: (giggling) Sure!

    And… scene.

    # posted by douchebag1
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