Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Whole Pile of Disturbing Creepiness

I just hosed off my crotch with bleach spray shot out of a water cannon. I advise you to do the same.

# posted by douchebag1
12:35 pm June, 20 Jeet Kune Douche said...

Whooooa, look at the funbags on blondie! Betchya she could knock a guy out cold with one a’ dose!!!

OH, and – FRIST!

12:35 pm June, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Roseanne Bandannadanna Bleeth has epic Side Boob!

12:37 pm June, 20 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Upon Further Review, Old Bag on the left has the Predator’s hand with a scorpion in, it tatted on his deltoid; AutoLoser!

12:43 pm June, 20 creature said...

flesh coloured saddle bags is trending

1:05 pm June, 20 Douche Moore said...

You happy to see me … or is that a watermelon in your bikini.

1:19 pm June, 20 The Dude said...

That girl’s droobs™ are still suckle-worthy.

1:22 pm June, 20 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Somewhere in the facial hair. Speedy Gonzalez had hidden his cheese.

1:22 pm June, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Fuck me

1:24 pm June, 20 Vin Douchal said...

1:24 pm June, 20 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Alan Arkin and Howie Mandel make guest appearances on Sons Of Anarchy?

1:24 pm June, 20 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Old bags are even more embarassing, as they should know better. With age does not always come wisdom.


Blond’s rack may look like a pair of grapefruits in tube socks, but that’s all right by me.

1:36 pm June, 20 Douche Springsteen said...

I still really fucking hate those hats. Nothing will leaven my hatred of them.

1:37 pm June, 20 jonezy said...

fucking Droobs! shit that is funny- good thing you TM that shit.

1:39 pm June, 20 Vin Douchal said...

Clay Aiken’s wet dream

1:41 pm June, 20 Vin Douchal said...

I think I know that guy on the right.


His name is “I practice posing for Vegas pool photos at home in front of my mirror”. It’s a Native American thing ……..

2:21 pm June, 20 DarkSock said...

Meanwhile, in other breaking news, AssPear LaPlante (aka Fenny from Argentina) finally turns around and shows us her front:

2:37 pm June, 20 creature said...

^thank you

3:00 pm June, 20 The Dude said...

She’s got my whole world, in her hands

She’s got my balls twirled, in her hands

She’s got my scrotum taint, in her hands

Supertanga is my girrl!

3:08 pm June, 20 The Dude said...

^curled instead of ‘taint’ would work

3:10 pm June, 20 troy tempest said...

The brunette looks like Arielle:

3:13 pm June, 20 troy tempest said...

how come I can’t post a link?


I tried to post that the brunette looks like Arielle, but when I post that comment with a link to the photo, the comment doesn’t post.


This makes the baby Jebus eat his own vomit.


Look up arielle in HOH and you’ll see what I mean,






3:30 pm June, 20 troy tempest said...

Also, sometimes people take advantage of the Rocker permit. Like the Leningrad Cowboys:

3:30 pm June, 20 troy tempest said...

3:31 pm June, 20 troy tempest said...

hmmm. now it works.

4:12 pm June, 20 Tits McGee said...

What the hell is in those fugly tit-like things on the left?

5:49 pm June, 20 Stephanie said...

Gritty old guys, this is some kind of motorcycle rally filled with these cut outs.

7:28 pm June, 20 Wheezer said...

This is far worse because there is neither side boob nor side droob™ involved:


9:37 pm June, 20 Droobs™ said...






11:35 pm June, 20 Jacques Doucheteau said...

The last time I saw tits like that was at Denny’s, served with two eggs and two sausages.


I think this girl also has two eggs and two sausages, and a guy named “Denny” may have been involved. “Grand slam” takes on a new connotation under such circumstances.

11:36 pm June, 20 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Pancake boob jokes. Hahha! Not funny.





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