Wednesday, June 6, 2012
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Determined to wow their fellow students at the Learning Annex’s extension class, “Experimental Theater and You,” Sunny and Albert’s performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” ended only in tears, shoe polish stains, and a scorching case of thigh rash.
Needs paint remover…at least she does. Before the thigh rash is unbearable…
Few things are more humiliating than being raped by a van painter.
Snakes smell with their tongues.
That snakes smells about nine dicks.
Thank you for your proposal but I think we’re going back to the gheko.
I’d just like to let everyone know that the “snake” on her chest is really a life-size image of well, my snake. It took me a while to trace around it but I think the results are well worth it.
Miss Saigon: The Amphibious Chronicle
“Salad Tossers of the World Unite!”
Life after “Gray’s Anatomy” was not good for Patrick Dempsey.
Patron’s of the Pink Clapper were stoked to learn that the salad buffet now included free crabs.
A surprise to no one, Steve was cast as Bottom.
Don’t get that one? Read a fuccen book, freshman.
The Last Temptation of Christallmighty
@The good Baron
Nice reference to Shakespeare’s classic, “A Mid-Summer Night’s Anal Violation by Uncle Lloyd who was asked at the last minute to babysit while Mom and Dad went down to the Indian Casino to try and win back the Chavelle.”
No thanks, I don’t really like fruits in my green salad
Stay away from the Brown Acid
Forbidden fruits (and nuts).
The compost pile in the garden of heden…
I’m guessing she has experience posing.
I’m thankful the photographer has experience posing men.
And the winners for the 9th place best triers medal went to Todd and Stacy for their submission “Well Manicured Bush and the Face of Crabgrass”.
Todd and Tammy were crestfallen when their submission to be the King and Queen of Round-up was never answered.
@ Baron
“Masters, spread yourselves.” Sorry for the implied visual as it relates to him at least.
Welcome to the jungle: it gets worse here every day
Last call in the ultra lounge of good and evil: trust me, do not order anything with ‘forbidden fruit’
GAAAAHHH. Forget the “puberty” explanation … There’s our real reason I stopped playing D&D.
I see where the Keebler elves come out. Tell me it ‘taint so!
“Body Paint: The Musical,” coming to the Branson Variety Theater in beautiful Branson, Mo. Featuring an appearance by Yakov Smirnoff.
I agree with Charles. We can all thank Christallmighty for that dudes left calf.
(all except Nancy)
Taking The Illustrated Man to disturbing depths…..
R.I.P. Ray Bradbury:
You look hard enough, you can see bush
@Hermit, thanks for acknowledging my pain. I would kill for some vas deferens reveal. Or veiny sack reveal. Whichever is easier.
Dem apples be bursting with knowledge.
I don’t know, I think I see some “Golden Globes” in there.
The dog sniffed it ,lifted it’s leg and peed on it.
She is delectable even with the silly body paint. His eyes are disturbingly close together and the look on his face indicates either ennui or an overdose of stool softener.
in this fresco Adam’s outstretched finger presses a babboons asshole…releasing a torrent of mango impacted fecal shower
I believe “VSR” (Veiny sack reveal) is easier than “VDR” (Vas deferens reveal).
I saw VSR in ’89; they opened for ELO.