Monday, June 18, 2012

Headwound Horace Approves of the HCwDB of the Week

And by approves, Headwound Horace means lice.

# posted by douchebag1
9:32 am June, 18 C. K. Doucheter-Haven said...

What, you think coordinating the mandanna, GSR flair, buggin’ eye shades, acorn earrings, Morticia eyeshade and yards ‘n’ yards of stretchy mam T shirt fabric was easy, yo?

9:36 am June, 18 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Guess that Asian tranny with urchins on her bolt ons wasn’t enough for him.

9:40 am June, 18 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Douchepak Shitkur

9:47 am June, 18 Vin Douchal said...

First the tilted baseball cap and now the askew bandana knot?


Dude, you’re spending way too much time thinking about this shit from the headwear, necklace, shitty arm scribble to 4 hour gym visits.


Stop dropping/thumping/grunting the weights to the floor, sweating on the bench and not cleaning it trimming your toenails where I shave and taking those burning-body-in-a-tire-fire shits that ruin the entire locker room for hours. And I’m not impressed that you carry and drink an emptied milk gallon bottle of water. So do I , I just spread it out over a day


Lastly , please wear a full t-shirt instead of a tank. Nothing is more disturbing than watching you blindly reach back to fuck with your oozing bacne.


Gah…. there’s 50 of these guys at my gym so there’s always one there




9:55 am June, 18 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Vin Douchal FTW! This pretty much sums up the modern gym experience. Had to navigate around a herd of these lummoxes this morning at the gym.

9:56 am June, 18 creature said...

creepy middleaged bags like HW Horace are the #1 argument against belonging to social media like FaceBook

10:11 am June, 18 Douchble Helix said...

Wait! The third triplet is missing from this pic… my shiny, fat ass!


Sorry, no green make-up.

10:15 am June, 18 Douche Wayne said...

Jesus wept, yo.

10:40 am June, 18 Nancy Dreuche! said...

If Tu-Pac was white and retarded he would look better than this douche. This is the Jesus tatt that broke the camel’s back on my decision to disregard organized religion entirely.

11:21 am June, 18 Vin Douchal said...

This is what I do while waiting for Db1’s next post



Awesome On Line Game

11:25 am June, 18 DarkSock said...

Maybe it’s a brain tourniquet.

11:51 am June, 18 army (ret) douche said...

can we drop him shirtless in Mecca or Medina and see what happens?

12:07 pm June, 18 Doucheywallnuts said...

Jesus died for your deltoids.


The look on Jesus’s face as rendered in the tatt says, “Dude, she’s a pig.”


I’m sure nothing makes God happier than knowing Headwound Horace decided to immortalize his son on his shoulder.



12:12 pm June, 18 Wheezer said...

Lime green top-covered BOOBIES.


That is all.






And by that, I mean that is all I care to see here.

12:53 pm June, 18 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever tattoos Him to thier body should not perish, but be an eternal douche.

1:17 pm June, 18 Stephanie said...

I wish I could get into these people’s minds and figure out why do they need to call attention to themselves so much?

Any doctors around?

1:20 pm June, 18 Douchble Helix said...



Don’t click to enlarge the pic! It’s too horrible!

2:13 pm June, 18 DoucheyWallnuts said...

@DH Next on, “When Bad Nose Jobs Happen to Bad People,” Headwound Horace.

3:25 pm June, 18 FredN. said...

You could swap those faces and the pic doesn’t really change.

4:14 pm June, 18 Tits McGee said...

Helix I believe that is the acne scars that form from smiling like Mickey Rourke but not being Mickey Rourke.

And I hesitate to guess which of these sadness piles has the worse stretch marks…

Worst smirk is easy… ME after imagining these two in dog form being beaten apart after going at it in the barn.

6:09 pm June, 18 Douchble Helix said...

FredN. got it right. It think they’re broster and sisther.

10:01 pm June, 18 Little Willie said...

The green bandana makes this muscle bound asshole look like a faggot who just stepped out of a gay bar. The heavy bicep on Alice could easily make “her” a tranny with a foot long schlong that muscle bound faggots love up the ass.

5:14 am June, 19 CB Popped said...

Headwound certainly is putting up some serious Douche activity.

I think someone mentioned him resembling Jerry Sandusky last time, fuckin’ funny.

7:16 am June, 20 Albino lobster boy said...

Hmmm….look a that; Lime Green Laura’s got the Mayan Eye of Yeah He Stinks But I Stole His AMEX.

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