Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Marty Seyz…
“I like to look at champagne more than boobs!”
Marty is very literal in expressing his effusiveness.
“I like to look at champagne more than boobs!”
Marty is very literal in expressing his effusiveness.
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The sommelier can’t believe she can carry two Jereboobems and a Jereboam at the same time. Classy and sassy and horva.
Wine Snobs
Is it just me, or is that a photo of a guy just moments before grabbing some Hott’s boobs, followed soon after by a giant champagne bottle that came crashing down upon his head? 🙂
I’d take the bottle over the bottled blonde too. Notta douche for Party Marty.
Marty looked past Angie’s weather balloons and giant Massengil bottle as the whistling cartoon anvil headed his way knowing a swift and uncomfortable death awaited.
when she gets in your car for that very expensive first date, she asks you to lock the passenger airbag to the off position. Dr.’s orders.
This was taken seconds before Marty’s famous diving Motorboat…
The blondie is definetily a few years older than her makeup suggests, and those boobz are about as natural as styrofoam, but I would still pile into her like a runaway freight train.
@tall guy, I see the lame filter isnt working yet either. And how can you tell this doofus is uncercamized? Kind of a creepy skill you have there.
Normally gravity is an attractive force…. Hmm. Was this pic taken just seconds after the big bang? Hold on, Marty never has nor ever will be involved in anything with bang in the title.
If her pear is as delectable as her cleavite, this makes up for the barfbag post earlier.
And I think a Garbage Pail Kids T-Shirt is far from garish. It’s urban chic.
We’ve seen her before…..
I’d go for the champagne first. The boobs will still be giant fake mounds of boing-boing.
@tall guy, I think its so gross I refuse to spell the word for peen turtleneck correctly. And I missed you about as much as I miss explosive diarrhea. Which is kinda. Nothing beats a good colon blow.
And don’t let Marty fool you. He says his peen is like an accent mark. In that its all about the over e’s. Get it? Over e’s as in ovaries.
Three Magnums in this photo…Marty however does not fit into Magnums.
The Nott doesn’t seem to have a very highly developed sense of proportion.
He’s been watching too many musicals and does the Liza hands well.
Them tits are ripe for some pearl necklace time.
She is secretly fantasizing about Hermit and a gallon of Gojo.
Two words: “Nice hat.”