Saturday, July 21, 2012
Caption This Pic
…Because frankly I have no idea what is going on here and I’m curious to hear your thoughts.
Comment as always in the, er, comments section. Yeah.
The DoucheCon rolls along as Mandy fingerbangs Sandy for the camera, mistaking it for PorniCon
The annual Fucktard Convention is drawing more retards than fuckheads these days.
Thats the traditional flounder finger.
as Jennie checks Ronnie’s pkg she pours a cup of amithra on Choney’s chest…Joanie says, ‘Shazam’ in approval
At the annual Scientology convention the black dude in the back skull fucks Tom Cruise’ T-shirt head while pulling a Travolta.
I am currently experiencing the first hangover that I remember from the recent past. Proof that my liver is still playing hard-to-get with that beautiful bouncy hurdler.
At the Open, Tiger Woods gets funkified and keeps his peeps close with his 35 foot cocck.
“We’re all partyin’ with DarkSock. He’s passed out with his head inside the horse mannequin over there…..uhhhhh, we’re pointing in all directions because that’s how many horse mannequins are in this place.”
smiling Jenny primes the pump at the ‘Smell My Finger’ night at Fresno Applebees
They are in a law library.
A freakin law library.
Douchey Jack Benny
says ‘I’m thinking it over’
while bleeths-to-be pose.
“This is the spot where I want you to hit me as hard as you can Nancy. Right here on the old cheekarino.” is what I might have said two years ago when we were balls and labia minora deep in war.
@douche equis, you haven’t been around in awhile. But you bet your buns I’m gonna check out that Black Dynamite series you keep flappin’ your gums about. I wish we had spent more time in the foxhole together.
“That’s no douchebag — it’s a space station!”
“The girls started giggling uncontrollably when DarkSock started peeking under their skirts.”
DarkSock reposted this pic because it needed more commentary anyway.
‘his ass is so tight, it pulled the glove clean off my hand!’
Gosh Nancy, thanks for caring. Most kind. For those of us whose bodies wake up at 5:00 am whether we want that or not, the repeat of last Sunday’s Black Dynamite at 11 pm tonight and the new episode tomorrow at 11:30 pm, both times EST and both on [adult swim], are going to be a bit difficult to stay up for. But I shall again manfully face the decision whether caffeine or alcohol will be more suited to the task.
d.e. – go with Rum & Coke – in the spirit of compromise. Hey it’s the weekend, isn’t it?
What day is it?
Hott on the right says “do these stripes make my tits look big?”
lemme take a closer look
@douche equis, what about a White Russian?
@The Dude, you’re no Stephanie. But you’re funny enough. Adios muchacho.
Rum and coke is for cunts. Cunts,I says.
Rev Chad’s Ball Bag
I always wanted an alias,but the Feds said I was too “flamboyant.” I always thought that meant fag.
haha! okay Mr. Funny, how ’bout Rum and a couple of fornicating Alpacas?
Ill def fwapp on blondie in the law library.
Caption reads: “where’s the sausage? ”
This douchebag prefers fudge.
@CB Popped, my button fly home fry, I’ve known you since you were Collaz B. Popped. You must have some great weed to always find my stuff hilarious. Keep on fwappin’. If just tuning in the Douchebag War is over and I’m just wrappin up my shout outs and post-game interviews.
“Pity Nancy Dreuche got stuck behind the velvet rope. Damn this club’s policy on fat chicks!”
@tall guy’s dildo, you should meet Frank Mercurio. You two would hit it off.
Caption # 2 “The ‘club played the literary insecurities angle with its clever decorator flourishes. Despite this (or because of it) Nancy Dreuche held the only lifelong ban ever handed out.”
Caption # 3 “Patrons at Book Le Idiot Club were pleased to meet like-minded folk. However The surplus meat on Nancy Dreuche pleased no one.”