Comment of the Week: Captain James T. Douche
Capt. J.T.D. sums up the crisis of the ‘bagling in the Melvin Finkelstein thread and wins the coveted HCwDB Comment of the Week:
With the promise of hooking them up with some complimentary bottle service and the teeniest sliver of hope of a handjob, Melvin scrounged up some wounded soldiers from the other VIP areas and watered down the leftover booze with pool water and cleaning chemicals as well as grabbed a few carafes of whatever was laying around at the bar fermenting in the sun. Some improvised peacocking and seduction tips his pal Moishe had given him along with a few quick one liners and the snap of a camera phone later and he’s back to skimming the jizz out of the jacuzi before the big cheese gets wind of it all. That pic will earn him serious respect and street cred at Hebrew school this week as well as he’ll be dotting the eye on daquigans mons ink in his dreams for a good month when he tosses a load into a sweat sock.
Quality mock. Moishe does have the best seduction tips.
Hello Kitty? G’bye lunch. dang
Nice werk, Cap’n
Goon on ya Captain. You had me at sweat sock.
And as a multiple winner of the coveted Comment Of The Week I would like to thank DB1 for obscuring my face in the above photo. I should have worn my Bret Michaels Pet Smart collection dog undies but the girl that gives me blowies for pizza wanted me in her brother’s (pimps) shorts.
Is it fucking hot and dry down there? Our corn is six feet high and rising but the rain stopped.
^Good. I’m drunk and dehydrated.
Nice job Captain.
Hello Shitty is more like it.
Hello Kitty.
And by that he means his man pussy.
Nice glutes……….. He obviously works out.
Man pussy = Mussy.
and it’s gross. I’ll never get that lunch back.
Hot shit! Comment of week! Thanks for the kind words fellow bag hunters and have a great weekend.
Even Rabbi Nussbaum had to give a tip of the yarmulke to Melvin this week at Hebrew school!
Everybody should have a little Captain in them, when they mock.
Above bloke has no posterior chain. Posterior chain, I says.
Who has fucking time for posterior chains DW?
All that time in the gym. All that money on steroids. Yet he still fits in his girlfriend’s underwear.
Rev Chad reminds me — where the fuck is Fuckerfaster?
you know, the Right Honorable something or fuckerother…
Hortense smudgie – I ferget the rest
The Right Honorable Member for, The Very Reverend Mother Her Ducal Serene Highness, Dr. Hortense Sussudio Fuckerfaster
Doesn’t even matter if he/she ever made a post worth reading. That’s a fucktastic fuck’n name. Not as succinct as ~The Dude~ but that’s comparing apples and skyscrapers.
So, who took this fucking pic?
And… with that picture, Hello Kitty jumped the shark.
^Jumped the Snark
The front of her panties say “Hello Clitty”.
The front of his panties say “Hello Itty Bitty”.
Hmmm…I had no idea Lee made Press-On Undies.
I think this is his way of “advertizing” when he gets sent to prison for “working” at The Second Mile.
Hello Titty.