Saturday, August 4, 2012
Comment of the Week: Katie
Angry hott Katie defends a douchebag in the White Party Frank Gehry Love Boat and, for the genius of misspelling “chick”, wins the coveted HCwDB Comment of the Week:
Actually the one in the sunglasses is a good friend of mine and is in fact not a duchebag. They were at a Visalus event which that “hot chic” participates in as well and I’m sure they are all doing way better things w their lives than anyone of you real douchebags that commented on this photo! Nice try tho!
Oh, I doubt any of the layabouts in that photograph are accomplished Serial Masturbaters.
Who’s the redhead? Can I mis-Treat the tatt-twit she’s mugging by mocking him and ultimately land in her loving embrace?
Oh, and wtf is Visalus?
When I was in junior high school, I was caught sniffing the used rectal thermometers in the School Nurse’s Office. It caused quite a stir in our small town, so my family quietly hustle me off to Chicago to have my adnoids removed.
Is that an example of a Visulas event?
What’s a “duchebag”???
As for Visalus check this out and notice I close the spelling is in one of the words that I believe would correlate to Angry Katie
“ViSalus is a multilevel marketing company headquartered in Los Angeles, California with offices in Troy Michigan.[3] ViSalus, a subsidiary of Blyth, Inc., markets weight management nutritional products, dietary supplements, and energy drinks in the United States and Canada. The company’s primary product Vi-Shake is a meal replacement beverage which is marketed as a weight loss aid. ViSalus’ 90 day Body by Vi Challenge is a program in which participants can win prizes for purchasing products and losing weight.[4] Visalus has been criticized for using cult-like tactics in trying to recruit new people to sell their product.[5]”
Her friend is the one in the glasses?
He’s the fucking duchiest of them all.
I feel some hate vibes in that letter. And by letter, may I be the first to call cunt.
Douchebags multilevel marketing? That’s like super sizing a big steaming cup of anal leakage. I hope Katie’s vajayjay falls off in the middle of the 405 during rush hour and is run over by tour bus.
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean dismembering hobos and hiding the body parts in mail boxes?
He’s not a douchebag, he just dresses and acts like one.
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean painting the dime-spots of 15 black-furred kittens with day-glo paint, shunting them into a black-light room and playing “Damn The Torpedos” with a cruelly rooked index finger, a bottle of Cuervo, and a vial of bath salts?
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean modifying potato cannons to work with live bullfrogs?
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean legally changing your name to “Smelmuh Fanga”?
Visalus is apparently a product or process guaranteed to turn you into an orange skinned, gel haired, club monkeying duchebag in just 90 days.
Since most of them can’t keep a job at Sonic Carwash for more than 60 days it truly is going to be a challenge.
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean adorning the grave of Ronnie James Dio (respect) with 117 bottles of Aunt Jemima syrup?
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean pushing in middle-aged lady’s stools?
^That is one sweet ass on the barstool. Visalus by Blyth?
I think he’s plugging her anus with his hand, otherwise it’s obvious the bar stool would end up there.
By “way better things with their lives”, does she mean designing aquariums?
I’m presently designing an aquarium. I am learning all sorts of interesting things about our wet mammal allies:
also, for no reason:
By “way better things with their lives” does she mean mounting a Sybian with a 10 inch diameter butt plug onto the seat of a classic Vespa motor scooter and riding it through Watts at 3am??
Dude McC…that is fucked UP, mang.
3 pm would be much more appropriate.
I peed on a manatee once. OH the huge manatee.
I’m drunker than RevChad locked in a liquor store with an undersexed mullato (no racist) (respect) (anal bleach)
Somewhere, R. Crumb is rolling around in his future French Grave…
Holy Blue Triangle? Peh…Meat Holy Rectangle…this woman could birth John Largeman’s big-headed son without getting her inner thighs wet. Son.
In other news…I’ve been engaged to helm this site in another couple of weeks. There WILL be Pear.
This puts the “Guhhh” in “Gratuitous”….
I demand to come back as a firm turd.
@DarkSock, scientists estimate that 96% of scooter riders sexually gratify themselves while riding. 41% of riders fantasize about beastiality and 9% write Harry Potter slash fiction. That’s 146%! A statistic you can’t argue with.
Don’t cry for me Argentina
Holy rectangle pear’s cheeks have never touched. Medical fact. You could drizzle some water between them and ride through that canyon like a white water rafter.
Duke Ellington spelled it “chic” too so maybe Katie is a hip chic and all her steady boyfriends end up being in the Duke bag.
How the fuck is that ‘comment of the week’ worthy. What a slap in the face of the regulars here.
To see what this site could have been, go to
By “way better things with their lives” does she mean using a crowbar to move aside Katie’s clitoral hood and then stimulating the exposed clitoris with a cheap electic toothbrush?
Must read:
Dark Sock has Norwegian Wood. I am stoned out of my mind and still grooving cause of the new uppers. Sweet late night buzz with pear and frosty Canadian pilsner and boner for Norewegian Pear and porn. Son.
Friends, gentlemen, give me your pears.
Meal replacement beverages are the future man.
dolphins give toothy BJ’s, but, have been known to remove genital warts…or so I’m told
animal lovers
Thanks for the laffs! I’ll be watching and laughing from indiscernable locations for a bit.
I love DarkSock (No Homo) and his appreciation of Pear and “Meat Holy Rectangle” I’d give The Right Honorable Rev Chad all of my leftover, ineffective Vicodin™, from my shoulder surgery of several years ago, in the hope that he would approve of me tickling “Meat Holy Rectangles” Ham Dangle™ from behind with my big toe whilst sitting comfortably in a Lazy Boy™, smoking some of Lenny The Box’s product utilizing only a piece of aluminum foil and a 3/4’s empty can of Molson Export.
I would like to congratulate Katie on her CotW award, whilst seconding Rev Chad’s Cunt Call. And by congratulate, I mean may she choke on the next batch of Tool Butter that is injected into her alimentary canal.
Also, it’s very dangerous to stand on a bed whilst wearing lucite fuck-me pumps. Whilst, I says.
First Doonesbury, now HCwDB?
Skipping a lot of details, a quid quo pro expectation has been previously established. Or maybe not. It’s 4:00 am…
DH: So, whattaya say you show me them fine tit-tays?
Girl: No!
.long pause…
DH: How about a little bit of that dirty talk?
Girl: Nooo…
.long pause…
DH: Will you watch me touch myself?
Girl: Eeewwww!!
DH cuts off the party favors, and goes downstairs to the La-Z-Boy where he can sleep & snore, undistributed.
Postscript to the above sad story…
I told the story to a buddy, who *immediately* said I blew it.
What I *should* have done was cut *her* off from the party favors, while I’m still enjoying them – right in front of her.
He says it *always* works.
He’s not a douchebag, he just plays one at work.
Katie, I’m sorry to be the one to say this, but decent dudes do NOT throw the shocker whilst being photographed. Your good friend is a douchebag.
Dunno if any of you know, but the is Joel Madden as a guest judge and fondler on The Voice Australia, and the red is Sara De Bono, finalist and miniature hot
Nothing better than coming back from a great vacation to spend Monday morning at work reviewing the HCWDB pics and comments that I missed. Great A-Game stuff.