Tuesday, August 21, 2012
"The Critique of Pure Reason"
As Immanuel Kant once wrote in his seminal treatise, “The Critique of Pure Reason”:
Whether or not the douchebag can be understood, a priori, as a product of cause and effect, this causal result relies entirely on the limitations of sensorial understandings of douchepoo. It is therefore my observation that only insofar as douchepoo is mocked sufficiently, then boobies are a form of higher truth.”
Yup. Need a coffee.
Looks like that gentleman on the right likes to do a little Hanes Her Way and Covergirl action. Well back to whittlin’ my Kamer Suter poses. I’ve got almost all of those sexy time positions recreated with balsawood. Why balsawood, you ask? It’s in the name fellers!
Also, first!
Ryan ReynoldsLargeman spots the souls of these two choads escaping heavenward (souls can only take so much douchebaggery, male or female) and wistfully yearns to also be sky bound and free.
But, some Largeman has to clean the heads, and he really, really needs the money to afford that last semester of DeVry University or his mom is going to kick him out of the bonus room over the garage.
That girl may have been cute before her disfiguring accident. Not him, though.
Hegel would disagree with Kant, but would do so in such a manner that none of us could understand what the fuc he was saying. So, it is with this in mind that I turn to the words of one Skinny D’ Amato who would say, “This guy deserves an ass punch.” An ass punch, I says.
More than half the time I Kant understand the feller that writes this here blog. Maybe its because I’m old, more than likely its because he writes like he has marbles in his mouth. Well enough bitchin’ on my end, I better go rustle me up some pictures of gal rectums if I’m gonna make it through today. You see, the missus is having one of her Depac Oprah Dr. Oz book club thingys with the rest of the hens from the neighborhood. Lordy my, those women can git to cacklin’ and canklin’.
I hate hyperagressive posturing almost as much as I hate that Twilight crap.
The random unprovoked threatdown… in nature this always signals posturing. A bluff. It’s not the prologue to actual violence, rather it’s a suggestion of possible violence in order to make others alter their behavior. It’s a reaction based on fear. Fear of losing status; usually fear of losing social status when the individual is not adept at more conventional and subtle methods of maintaining status.
@Mr. McCrudeshoes, now that there makes right sense and its something I can get behind. Speaking of behinds….oh all right, I’ll give it a rest, till morn. Maybe, no probably not. My name is Jasspear for Chrissakes, I’m gonna talk about it.
Jasper, please ask your nurse about using a higher gauge catheter.
@ Dude McC
I was gonna say someone needs to have their voltage adjusted upwards on their shock treatments but your suggestion works too.
Can anybody make out the letters on his knuckles? I think he walked in to the shop and said “I want an “E”, two “V’s”, an “I” and some other letters on my hands. I only got $20 so it doesn’t even have to look good.”
@Dr. Bunsen, you make a good point. Better go with the belt and suspenders solution and electrify the catheter.
I think maybe he’s shooting one of these videos:
Except instead of Daft Hands, it’s called Kraft Yams.
Hey that’s my twig n’ berries you’re talkin about fellers! How will I satisfy my lady?
To the good Doctor – his digits say “IMOV ERIT”
To the blonde in the pic – Don’t ever make that face again. I can see your brain.
War Is Peace
Freedom Is Slavery
Boobies Are Truth
Got it.
He’s a dye salesman? I guess the tatts are advertising props?
Makes me want to strangle myself with her bra.
Last time I saw a mouth so open wide like that it had a hook in it.
Painty Gervais…
Did I stumble into some alternate fuccen universe?
WTF? Where’s my last fuccen comment? An alternate universe?
^ Sorry for the double y’all. Seems like the gravelings were muckin’ up the works.
You know, I think about all the philosophers and all the books written throughout history, pained to struggle with the issues plaguing humanity and its destiny. Then I see these two, throw up my hands, and flush all those books down the toilet.