Saturday, September 8, 2012

Comment of the Week: Lafayette Here We Douche

Lafayette Here We Douche offers some European perspective in the Gay or European? thread and wins the coveted HCwDB of the Week:


Well, I beg your pardon for my poor english skills, but as an European, i feel like i have to render to Caesar the douche that is Caesar’s.

There are loads of douchebags in Europe, as you know, but this picture does not illustrate the kind of fauna we have to deal with.

No, we do not have this distinctive combination of an obvious mexican chick, a presumable half-polak truckdriver daughter, and an all in all Wal-Mart-esque free internet porn video hair salon afterwork party atmosphere, that seems to be, my guess, from the great US of A or Canada.

Still, I sincerely sympathize with you and salute the true mock spirit here… for this plague has no frontier.


# posted by douchebag1
12:30 pm September, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Well a hearty congrats from Canada for winning TCOTW Lafayette Here We Douche but this guy is an unwashed Scandibag homo douche. And you my friend can take a big suck on my Jesus-Sized Canadian cock and balls for insulting our culture you backward dirty cold-showering fish-smelling piece of smegma dripping from Angela Merkel’s knockwursted diarrhea poop. Hope on your faggot Vespa and drive yourself into the polluted Black Sea waters from whence your ilk was evolved. And get a new fucking shirt for Valhalla’s sake you queer Viking midget. Son


I’ma get drunk and study cause I have a backup plan to my rejected thesis and that is the grad degree I’m taking at the same time you European cocksuckers.

12:43 pm September, 8 Ted Brogan said...

Well she’s lovely. And he needs a swift kick to the grill.

12:56 pm September, 8 Et Tu Douche? said...

That’s one of the Atlanta douche twins, that being said fuck him and let’s get down to what’s really important. Bob Dylan breastess are all that is natural and drool worthy. A truer example of HCwDB I haven’t seen in awhile.


The Rev is STILL my hero and in his honor I plan on getting my buzz on tonight then doing a slow burn most of tomorrow before watching Peyton Manning get slapped silly in Mile High tomorrow night.

1:23 pm September, 8 Anonymous said...

fOrEfInGer RiNG? vERy DoUChe. ShITrAGwrPpeD heAD? tRaShcaN tO ThE HeAD WoRtHy.

2:18 pm September, 8 Anonymous said...

She looks as bout as thrilled to be there as one rightfully should having to stand next to that self inflated half of the Wonderdump Twins.

2:39 pm September, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Bob Dylan on the all-time overrated list with Jesus, Shakespeare, Auto-erotic asphyxiation, caviar and Perry Como. Perry Como, I says.

4:43 pm September, 8 Wheezer said...

Great mock, Lafayette! No need to apologize for your English skills, for they are certainly better than that of many Americans. Case in point:


5:41 pm September, 8 I am...I said...

I think what the foreign dude is trying to say is…ze douches, zey are everywhere. Even in ze internet.

5:52 pm September, 8 Jeet Kune Douche said...

I’m not sure what the best tool is to deal with the bird-flipping douche ring wearing swamp crust depicted with the very interesting prettier, younger and raunchier with better bewbz Meg Ryan blaund hawtay. All I know is that birdflip has GOT to go.

Help me choose, gents:

1. Scissors

2. Hedge Pruning Shears

3. Axe

4. Chainsaw

5. Plasma torch

6. Your alternative choice here…..

6:37 pm September, 8 Duck Duck Douche said...

5. Plasma torch


Definitely plasma torch.

6:59 pm September, 8 creature said...

the bad news is that some hipster investor fux have bought the legendary LA skids bar the King Eddy & are gonna turn it into some psuedo beat groover joint

chuck bukowski weeps in his grave!

7:01 pm September, 8 creature said...

…btw, hott in the youthful Bob Dylan tank has some pert untethered tatas!

7:08 pm September, 8 Wölfgäng said...

Excuse my incomplete English. Canada is only a subservient colony loyal to the British crown. Canadian subjects bow their submissive heads to a throne inhabited by half-witted retards. The British royal family have been practising incestual sex for thousands of years and therefore most children birthed to royalty are hideous monsters who are hustled off to hidden islands in the British West Indies.

Canadians also have sweaty crotch stink resembling moldy boot liners and caribou urine. And the woman have vagina like moose lips.

1:28 am September, 9 DarkSock said...

I peed in a moose once.


Needed a stool.

4:54 am September, 9 Douchble Helix said...

I think the Rev, in his deservedly altered state, confused TCOTW’s comments as being about the *above* pic, when it was about the *linked* pic.


And really, Canada? Isn’t that just the parts of Alaska no one wanted?

6:37 am September, 9 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I don’t ever think the term Bleeth could ever be replaced or topped, as it has established a firm foothold in the HCWDB lexicon and is the perfect mix of being descriptive and derisive. However, read the story of one Amy Locane, an actress on a par with the legendary Ms Bleeth who has traveled a very similar path and looks equally as haggard. Check out the full size picture that accompanies the below article. Locane is Bleeth, Bleeth is Locane.


6:53 am September, 9 DoucheyWallnuts said...

More illustrations of above. Check out the downward spiral as chronicled by the pictures of her over time.


7:32 am September, 9 Et Tu Douche? said...

@Douchble Helix

As a purveyor of quality writing I do believe you are correct about The Right Honorable Rev Chad and his “deservedly altered state” and by altered state I do believe he was sober when he wrote that.

9:48 am September, 9 Douche Springsteen said...

A fiver sez she doesn’t have a clue who Bob Dylan is.

10:31 am September, 9 Douchble Helix said...

@Et Tu, I defer to your reading comprehnsion skills.

12:12 pm September, 9 Rev Chad Studying Stoned For Exam Tomrrow He's Going To Ace, and drinking. said...

You are both right. My anger is towards the writer and subject post and I was sober. Sons. Fuck the Queen and her lovable Corgi’s.

12:52 pm September, 9 Douchble Helix said...

No way you were sober. What does that even *mean* in the Rev’s world?

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