Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Gay or European?
Okay kids, time to play another round of the game that sweeping the nation (or at least parts of Colorado)… Gay or European?
The gaybag factor is high with this one. Gaybags, are you know, are generally excluded from the douche mock for posing no imminent boobie fondle threat to the hotts.
Europe spells like massage oils, attitude, and overpriced cappuccinos. Let us not go there again until the Euro is cheaper and I get over that French hottie I was dating who I took to that East Village party back who said that thing about the thing back in ’04.
That’s easy. Both.
I’m gonna say a little of both, I’ve never been but he looks like he might be from Homoslavia (Kudos to ever coined this word) or Anaheim.
The two on the left.
And who says Gaybags are generally excluded from the ritual mocking? Last week i hear the black guy coolness factor shields from mock and now a gay guy mock shield? WTF?
No self-respecting gay man has that tattoo on his chest or would be caught dead in that cap.
Bag ’em.
And whatever that is in turquoise on the left goes back a LOT farther than the photo is cropped. Anyone have an orange triangle handy>
Upon reflection, it appears that @Duck Duck Douche is correct.
.Chest tatts are verboten among gay men, and that cap would be ridiculed into oblivion the moment it stepped into any self-respecting Man-Boy-Love-Association.
agree with Duck @9:50… totally true!
Like there’s a difference. Toofunny.
All I know is, all I know. Everyone, gay straight black white and green is capable of being a douche. Leniency should be applied to all or none. Either you’re all in or all out. No respect for the hypocrites or the wafflers.
Girl on the right looks like a country singer who discovered bling-bling. Girl on the right is giving the Mayan eye-of-coitus, but her tattoo of a flying penis tip is turning me off.
@Duck Duck Douche nailed it with his analysis of the boy in the middle.
What if his chest tatt says “blow your load right here” eh ? eh ? thats not gay ? I’m going with gay.
And I’m glad to see he brought his aunt Maria in her finest turquoise dress. Nice gold chains.
These three are a f’ing train wreck.
The dude on the right has a nice bod. The dude on the left is giving late nite eye of ‘do you think Denny’s is still open?’ Chick in the middle will slobber your knob in the men’s room, but that doesn’t make him gay OR Euro… that’s just the man trying to make him conform to traditional geo-gender roles.
I think the Boss spent too much time last night downing HoHos, Night Train, and fwapping over the First Lady’s speech to run through his post a second time. It’s okay, Boss, you didn’t build this site on your own. You had help. And by help I mean Nyquil and porchmeat.
@Scrotato Head, take it easy on DB1, I’m sure he thought this site would land him his librarian hott, but now with the failed reality shows under his belt its really all he has to attract the affections of the vapid hott. You’re such a hatter.
Well, I beg your pardon for my poor english skills, but as an European, i feel like i have to render to Caesar the douche that is Caesar’s.
There are loads of douchebags in Europe, as you know, but this picture does not illustrate the kind of fauna we have to deal with.
No, we do not have this distinctive combination of an obvious mexican chick, a presumable half-polak truckdriver daughter, and an all in all Wal-Mart-esque free internet porn video hair salon afterwork party atmosphere, that seems to be, my guess, from the great US of A or Canada.
Still, I sincerely sympathize with you and salute the true mock spirit here… for this plague has no frontier.
Metrosexual. A fate worse than gay or euro.
Phockin’ eurofaeeeg……..
The chick on his/it’s left has Jersey Bleeth written all over her. In fact, I’d say over-35 Jersey Bleeth. But I’d still do her, no matter the near-assured disease risk.
Gay. He looks like a classic case of one of those gay guys who for whatever reason never leave the shitty little town they were born in for gayer pastures.
Saab driver. What was the question again?
I have to respectfully disagree with this whole gaybag not posing any imminent threat to the boobie. They’re every bit as competitive about the female attention, with the added bonus that they’re not afraid to “rape you out of the way” – a term a friend and I coined to describe concert goers who shove their way to the front, but is a bit more literal here.
Fact is, Glee is selling a pack of lies. Gays can be just as douchey and assinine as straights.
And as an Angels fan, I have mixed feelings about that cap.
A European would have the nuts to buy classic Italian designer clothing,while riding his scooter. Not this peeking tattooed,bad hat,pink shirt donut hole. So,I guess we have gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Gay men are great to shop with,and talk trash,and trade skin care secrets with.
The pink shirted one in the middle is a male salad tossing faggot. When he’s not tongue fucking male pucker holes he’s taking it in the rear end as much as he can get.
I don’t think either of those girls are either gay, or European.
The chick in the pink tank top and black cap is kind of ugly however.
This is the single worst hit squad sent from Homoslavia to assassinate Walt Disney. The clues are obvious:
1. They don’t even know he’s already dead. The Angles hit was your tip off there.
2. Vinnie “Horseface” Falconi in the blue dress has the biggest arms outta all three of them. NEVER put the decoy with the biggest arms in a dress. Rookies!
3. Timmy “Pinhead” Spumante already gave it away with the hat. Next.
4. Carmine “The Chin” Carzola just likes the feel of a nicely made dress against his skin. He was supposed to go as Snow White and blow up the Magic Kingdom but he has a thing about dwarfs (they gotta have no teeth and but only 3’4″ tall).