Thursday, October 18, 2012
Shmucky Goldstein Flips You Off, Vyvyan Style
Vyvyan style is no way to talk to a village elder, Shmucky.
Sarah Goldstein’s Bleething is slight but her Persian Semitic-hott pudge buggle sings siren songs of pooch spackle cupcake slobber, and for that I paw her Mikvah with Talmudic aplomb.
Ya know, not everyone here speaks Yiddish.
I clicked on the red “thumbs down” but Shmucky did not explode. This is unfortunate
On a related note, Michelle Obama looking ahead to the debate stage for her run as the 46th President of the US
She has small hands and smells like cabbage.
He’s got nice tits.
I think he’s trying to tell us that there are two vajayjay’s in this picture…
wtf is it with these glasses that make your head look like a grasshopper’s?
I luvs me some tatted up jappy bleeths…. Oh, wait, no I don’t.
I think her tatt says spermapoluzza
Awesome Vyvyan reference.
All this from a guy wearing a silkscreen t-shirt with douchebag beads,and a girlfriend with the words “Preztel” tattooed on her side.
She’s a cutie. Shame about the tattoo. And everything else in the photo.
I like a girl with a Parzanza tatt on her waistline.
There can NEVER be enough “THE YOUNG ONES” references in my lifetime.
She makes my nethers tingle.
He makes me want to send his smug mug to the netherworld.
“Vyvyan,” eh?
I miss Douchetoyevsky’s posts…..