Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Minigroo Snags Sophia, Wins at the Game of Life

You may now light your genitalia on fire. Reproducing is no longer a worthy endeavor.

# posted by douchebag1
4:39 pm November, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Fuck off!

4:42 pm November, 21 The Dude said...

I dunno boss, these look like a couple of nice people. Nice watch, too. I’d give that turkey a pardon. And I’d give Sophia my hardon.




Happy Thanksgiving, everyone

5:13 pm November, 21 Ted Brogan said...

Sophia is lovely. And despite him not have a douchebag pose or facial expression or facial hair, his shirt is inexcusable.

5:32 pm November, 21 Stephanie said...

I wonder if there’s a recipe for Ape Roasted Turkey with Magilla Gorilla sauce?

Happy Thanksgiving to one an all.

6:09 pm November, 21 Vin Douchal said...

She is fine


He is douche


That is all

6:55 pm November, 21 ehcuodouche said...

Surrender? Never! I just need to aim better.

7:39 pm November, 21 Et Tu Douche? said...

Dime a dozen douche rocking every signifier, Sophia buying into it makes me weep. Oh well Happy Thanksgiving my brethren & sisteren may your gravy be lumpy and your, after dinner pie, be tart & tangy.

7:49 pm November, 21 Et Tu Douche? said...


You want any action tomorrow? there’s 3 games


DAL -3.5

Over/Under Total: 48


Detroit +3

Over/Under Total: 50


NYJ +7

Over/Under Total: 48.5


If not Green Bay v NYG this Sunday.

9:15 pm November, 21 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

@ET Tu


Giants over Green Bay. I am done of the second last term of my late university career. Have to spend a night in a hotel in ottawa soon. And by night in a hotel in Ottawa I mean a hooker in Princess Leia dress.


9:39 pm November, 21 Wheezer said...

Smiling in the presence of the hott…..I think the douchebags’ “Look at me only” maneuver is fading, so we’re winning that part of the battle.

9:57 pm November, 21 Whoop-di-douche said...

I tawt I taw a Douchey-Tatt.

I did, I DID see a Douchey-tatt!

With a Sophia tail.

12:13 am November, 22 DarkSock said...

As Phah would have said, I’d like to put a map of Hawaii on her blouse.


With my Yogurt Pen.

5:15 am November, 22 Guid is Good said...

Minigroo wins, we all lose.


Surrender? I gave up years ago.

2:25 pm November, 22 creature said...

if I could I would KrazyGlue my face to her snaggleslot

6:34 pm November, 22 Mr. Biggs said...

Enh, take heart, fellow bag hunters. They trump now in their temporary animal peaks, but he still only gets his status through meaningless douchal signifiers, and she only by indulging them. Pretty soon the horrible horrible germ of human sentience will seep into their minds, and they’ll wonder about what they have. She will become bored with his rhythmic incompetent thrusting, and wonder about the guys who stay away while still making her wet just looking her in the eye. Meanwhile he cluelessly thrusts, unaware that intelligence itself plots against him.

Her doubts will grow until she joins a yoga class and her teacher introduces her to some generic western offshoot of Buddhism, which will excite her so much that she’ll drag all her male friends into it, and as he slowly notices she’s not really there in the sack he will begin a downward spiral of rage and confusion. Oh, he’ll whine to his buddies, he’ll sing “you lost that loving feeling” at a drunken karaoke, maybe they’ll even go to marriage counseling and follow some bullshit self-help guides to save their relationship. All while their equally self-entitled spawn are a constant reminder of the hideous High Priest of Douche that married them.

Jus remember to look her in the eye. It’s the closest to an actual orfasm she’ll get.

6:33 am November, 23 DoucheyWallnuts said...

HOH for Sophia. And by HOH I mean I’d spackle her cracks with my Love Putty. Love Putty, I says.

11:41 am November, 23 Captain Canuck said...

Notice his right hand – you think when presented with such a fine specimen of the female of the species he could actually put his hand on her hip properly instead of that barely-there chaste touch… brother & sister possibly?

6:46 am November, 25 JG said...

I’d give these guys a pass too.

She is so fine and does so effortlessly what all the other broads on these pages try so hard to do, and mostly fail.

Me loves a fine lass with clear eyes and skin devoid of piercings, ink or enhancement. This girl is used to having the door of the country club open for her. Her Daddy probably runs a hedge fund, and she doesn’t have to put up with any bullshit, so I’d say this guy is almost up to scratch.

And that IS a fucking nice watch.

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