Friday Socks and Links
As Lurch McRoofie waits for it to kick in, so shall we kick in our Friday Thoughts and Links.
I must admit I was not quite prepared to take the helm as DB1 succumbed to corn syrup coma; that’s why this week’s been a little shaky. One can only imagine DB1, burnt out and zombielike, stuffing Twinkie after Twinkie into his mouth, like a hellish Pez dispenser in reverse… What was he thinking? What could have possibly triggered his actions?
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffin’ glue.
Having the site land in my lap really wrecked my plans; I was going to have my lovely girlfriend over, serenade her with my six-string, and then enjoy some quality time with her. Maybe catch a musical. Or a horror flick. Or both.
No matter; I’ll handle it because I am a professional. And when he returns I’ll hand the staff of power back to him. Because there can be only one.
Well, those are my links. It seems like I’m forgetting something though…
Oh, yeah…Pictures of Pear!
And, of course, A Street Pear Named Desire.
Hmmmm…still so many surplus pears. I may have to disburse them tonight for a very special HCwDB After Dark.
i’d like to pack firm stool pear’s stool firm !!
I felt Firm Stool Pear was sexier than the Bloody Stool Pear picture I had.
I’ll save that one for Goolo.
Yeah, F.S. Pear had me wondering if Jacques sabotaged the links…..
Is that really “A Street Pear Named ‘LaPlante'”?
That is Asspear Laplante. She can never be duplicated, only imitated. like my schwantz. Son.
Damn. Everyone got to the firm stool jokes before I got back here. Damn damn damn.
Damn fine work, Sock!
Oh, and it’s not just today’s haiku that only delivers half the goods.
Beyond compear! Sorry, I’m still drooling. From eating a bunch of chocolate chip cookies, not from pear-staring!
Those are great drapes for wiping one’s schwantz on.
Am I the only one that thinks McRoofie’s wing looks like a baby albino snake that just engulfed a rat?