Friday Thoughts and Links
Scarfwadius the III defines herspterism for 2013.
Betty Blue makes my loincloth swing through Tarzania on a super-vine of booble poke.
No idea what that means.
Okay, so the first week of group-posts was a bit chaotic. But hey, the regs brought something new to my otherwise redundant postings. HCwDB has to grow and change with the time. “Blogs” are so 2010. Or so Reddit tells me.
And until and unless I can invent a modal cross-platform aggregator of content, that’ll do, Pig, that’ll do.
Uhm, yeah.
It’ll figure itself out.
Here’s your links:
Your HCwDB optional kitchen appliance pick of the week: “Is that ice cream in your kitchen or are you just glad to see me?”
How’s Las Vegas keeping up with the recession? Now there’s a pool where the douche is R-Rated.
Are there douchebags in India? Yes thank you, come again. I hate myself for making that obvious joke.
It just got a little dusty in here.
PeeWee Football star A.J. McClean or whatever is dating a trending hottie and has a ridiculously douchey Jesus-bling tatt.
Bro-ba Fett for the win.
Uberhott Semitic pole vaulter Allison Stokke, once stalked by HCwDB’s own Mr. Biggs, is now his Twitter-friend. I like a story with a happy pearing.
And if you like stories with happy Pearings, I give you:
Thick and succulent. Enjoy your Friday, kids.
Blue dress hottie is Joanna KruPear—–errrr, Krupa. She loves doggies, so I love her.
kitty bean yancey is a dumb cunt & needs to go back to U of Missouri school of journalism & retakr the course on integrity
…Bro-ba Fett is brilliant!
wheeze, any relation to Gene Krupa, & did you say she loves doggy style?
It’s bad enough strip clubs think you want to eat in their establishments (from a buffet, no less) now they think you’re going to swim there? “Industrial Road” sounds like a lovely place for a swim club. Probably right off “Paper Street.”
…but surely no woman could fail to be dazzled by this shirt?’ he explained…
Helen Keller herself would be dazzled by that fuckin thing
Well Creatch, I don’t know about any relationship she has to Gene Krupa, but I’d certainly pound my skin to her. Hope that helps…..and WOOF!
The pole vaulter chick may be perfect. The video is awesome.
Speaking of “redemption” this week, I suggest this whole Snooki and Spawn Cause DB1 To Burn In Hell Forever thing can be mitigated by Mr. Biggs gettin’ some with Ms. Perfect.
Hey, DWallnuts! You never answered my Joe Torre question on the original Mr. Biggs stalking thread:
“Why are there no pictures of Joe Torre?”
As DB1 searches for content to while away the days, I seriously would like to see a post each week dedicated to 4 or 5 reposts from the Samurai Scrote comments thread- like a “best of” yanked from that historic post. Someone put them all into a PDF at one time and there are thousands of good one-liners in there if someone (DSock) could parse a few out each week.
Just sayin’
Am I too stoopid to get Bro-Ba Fetta?
I need some questions for “Ask Reverend Chad” but not from DW cause i got a few of his. Also I can’t figure out why anon is so mad unless he or likely she, is a douchebag.
I think there are too many pictures of Joe Torre.
Is that recycled pear?
Well, in 1970, or thereabouts the correct answer was, “Because he dissolves camera lenses.”
btw, according to Bill James, Don Mossi was “Five tool ugly”, to name just one way.
hmmm… “Five Tool Ugly” has lots of possibilities, no?
Dear Rev,
Last week I asked if it was ok to try and motorboat on the first date, yet no response. It doesn’t matter now cause I have a new question. Should I be elated or concerned that drunken anal was allowed and performed rigorously on said first date? Is it all down hill from here? is too much to expect she’s down for 3 ways?
Also what’s the wager for this weekend?.
@ Et Tu
Link please
Maybe she prefers the anal. Did she assgasm? Some babes love it some would stab you for asking
Pats favored by 9 points this weekend. This is the playoffs, right?
Bro-ba Fett link fixed.
– management
No link but she’s a redhead and a MILF.
@ Et Tu
Was your ass sore the next day? That’s been a persistent problem when me and the GF do anal.
According to Ron White, anyways, there’s two kinds of anal.
At least.
And lemme say, I figure he knows.
I would categorize and shelve White Pearty’s doo-doo in a shrine.
Gold shirt FTW (loss)!
My dick is so big it got its own tax refund
My dick is so big it has 3 stomachs and farts without my permission
My dick is so big I’m having sex right now with Fenny in Argentina.
From Biloxi.
My dick is so big when I get a renoB it shuts down traffic on Interstate 10.
My dick is so big the hair on my balls are actually smaller 10″ dicks.
But that’s not gay.
My dick is so big I can only have sex with the Holland Tunnel. If buses are inside.
My dick is so big the pee evaporates before it exits.
My dick is so big I live inside of it.
My dick is so big it has a seat at the U.N.
My dick is so big the balls are Death Stars. Therefore I own controlling stock in Disney.
My dick is so big horses pee inside of it.
gauntlet is thrown.
my dick is so big it makes DarkSock’s look like a swollen clit
Don Mossi is so ugly he looks like someone photoshopped those cards to make him uglier. I agree about 5 tool ugly….
Are we wagering today?
Mmmmm……………….Fenny in Argentina
@Et Tu
49ers over Green Bay?
As geez I gotta remember what I tell DB1 is put to the world to see. Wonder if any of her Berkeley friends read this blog.