Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Herpster Cure Found?

Attacking douchebaggery at the nano-level is something I had not yet considered. This may be a breakthrough, indeed.

# posted by douchebag1
9:30 am February, 24 Wheezer said...

It’s always best to identify the source of a plague in order to end said plague. However, sometimes we have only the symptoms and have to treat them (through mockery) until we can locate the source.

10:00 am February, 24 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I donz see no picture Superfly. Bro.

11:44 am February, 24 DarkSock said...

fuccen wordpress. which has in this case probably spared our eyes some atrocity…

11:44 am February, 24 DarkSock said...


12:10 pm February, 24 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Maybe it was this. Son. I’d drive around Danica Patrick 200 times.


12:11 pm February, 24 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

^If the PoPo would let me. Drunks. I’m loaded.

12:38 pm February, 24 creature said...

just had a conversation last night with a silverlake galpal about the hipster blight & it’s lack of authenticity & sheepy trends

12:40 pm February, 24 creature said...




1:35 pm February, 24 DarkSock said...

I hate hipsterbags more than life itself.



3:22 pm February, 24 Charles Douchewin said...

This is superb.


PBR flavor no less!


Is it ironic if the anti-hipster drug company markets themselves out of business?


Who really cares though, when we have “Wallnuts After Dark”.

Am I the only one who practically hears Sinatra’s voice in their head while reading the Sinatra quotes?





4:13 pm February, 24 Et Tu Douche? said...

Herpsters are an annoying lot let them have each other. If I’m not mistaken we a few Portland residents here, what’s there take on “Portlandia” and do the locals feel it’s spot on, a spoof or do they feel slighted?

4:30 pm February, 24 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Did I read his mind when there was no post, or did he just blow my mind by lifting it? Fuck you hipsters, I have more chance of fucking a girl than you do ya freaks.


Jennifer Lawrence is awesome but ladies curling gives me a Renob. Watch it. Do it. I’m fuckitg loaded on Calvados and peaches. Sons.

.morgan you gun stealing British fop.

fuck you Piers

6:43 pm February, 24 Et Tu Douche? said...


What were the Oscar® after parties really like back in Frank & Deans day?


Did Frank go for European broads? or did he leave them alone for Connery.

9:34 pm February, 24 creature said...

yup…seth mc farlane, douche

1:00 am March, 5 Whoop-di-douche said...

Sunday in the Park with George never goes out of style,it just goes post-modern.

Seth, a man before his time.

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