Sunday, February 24, 2013
A Herpster Cure Found?
Attacking douchebaggery at the nano-level is something I had not yet considered. This may be a breakthrough, indeed.
Attacking douchebaggery at the nano-level is something I had not yet considered. This may be a breakthrough, indeed.
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It’s always best to identify the source of a plague in order to end said plague. However, sometimes we have only the symptoms and have to treat them (through mockery) until we can locate the source.
I donz see no picture Superfly. Bro.
fuccen wordpress. which has in this case probably spared our eyes some atrocity…
Maybe it was this. Son. I’d drive around Danica Patrick 200 times.
^If the PoPo would let me. Drunks. I’m loaded.
just had a conversation last night with a silverlake galpal about the hipster blight & it’s lack of authenticity & sheepy trends
I hate hipsterbags more than life itself.
This is superb.
PBR flavor no less!
Is it ironic if the anti-hipster drug company markets themselves out of business?
Who really cares though, when we have “Wallnuts After Dark”.
Am I the only one who practically hears Sinatra’s voice in their head while reading the Sinatra quotes?
Herpsters are an annoying lot let them have each other. If I’m not mistaken we a few Portland residents here, what’s there take on “Portlandia” and do the locals feel it’s spot on, a spoof or do they feel slighted?
Did I read his mind when there was no post, or did he just blow my mind by lifting it? Fuck you hipsters, I have more chance of fucking a girl than you do ya freaks.
Jennifer Lawrence is awesome but ladies curling gives me a Renob. Watch it. Do it. I’m fuckitg loaded on Calvados and peaches. Sons.
.morgan you gun stealing British fop.
fuck you Piers
What were the Oscar® after parties really like back in Frank & Deans day?
Did Frank go for European broads? or did he leave them alone for Connery.
yup…seth mc farlane, douche
Sunday in the Park with George never goes out of style,it just goes post-modern.
Seth, a man before his time.