Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Haiku


The ‘Sock Lost at sea,

Douche and Bleeth to the rescue,


– Management

For her – Same ol’ thing:

A bunch of buzzing noises

Down between her knees.


Tough economy

forces pimps to flagrant means

of advertising.

— Douche Wayne

Ready to call that

number but then realized

it’s for bike, not her.

— Eliza Douchecoo

She has bugs in teeth

Since the gyroscope was put

In her MonkeyHole

— The Reverend Chad Kroeger

The glorious crash

That will ensue fueled by hair

Gel and silicone

— Capt. James T. Douche

They’re living the dream

Moped. Motel Six. Cheap beer.

It’s a real short dream

— Mr. Scrotato Head

Trying to use a

scooter to haul ass is like

farting in windstorm.

— Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche

# posted by Bagnonymous
7:12 am February, 8 Douche Wayne said...

I like my ass pear

with a heaping side order

of douchebag road rash.

7:13 am February, 8 Douche Wayne said...

Tough economy

forces pimps to flagrant means

of advertising.

7:20 am February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

This is a still from

Easy Rider remake with

Douchebag and Bleeth cast

7:20 am February, 8 Flounder said...

The Rent Me Number

is not Just for the Scooter

Driver for Rent too

7:21 am February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Helmets? We don’t need

No steeking helmets! We don’t

Have brains to protect

7:22 am February, 8 Magnum Douche P. I. said...

Easy Rider II

Peter Fonda replaced by

douchebag in capris

7:29 am February, 8 Eliza Douchecoo said...

I hope she’s got a

Big trunk cause I want to put

my junk up in it

7:32 am February, 8 Eliza Douchecoo said...

Ready to call that

number but then realized

it’s for bike, not her.

7:34 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

Cock and vibrators

no longer work on Chad’s mom.

Chad’s bike seat is it.

7:38 am February, 8 hermit said...

Head-on crash with truck

The hot chick’s life will be spared

He’s a Douche (air) bag.

7:39 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

She has bugs in teeth

Since the gyroscope was put

In her Monkey Hole

7:41 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

The Great Humongous

Switched to chicks after wild kid

Cut his buds head off.

7:42 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Mad Cax rides into

Distant Apocalypto with

Gas sniifin whore chick.

7:42 am February, 8 Capt. James T. Douche said...

The glorious crash

That will ensue fueled by hair

Gel and silicone

7:44 am February, 8 Charles Nelson Douchely said...

The lost Vespa tribe

Discovery Channel shows

Mating ritual

7:44 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

He wanted a Vespa.

Forced to ride E-Bike so he

Could pay his tan fees.

7:44 am February, 8 Capt. James T. Douche said...

This years Sybian

Fits two and has hand mounted

Controls with throttle!

7:46 am February, 8 Capt. James T. Douche said...

It sounds like dubstep

When he pops the clutch on her

Gas powered dildo

7:47 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Swells Angels founder

Johnny Cockswain lost all street

Cred riding Mom’s scoot.

7:50 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

His other car is a

Prius currently being

Painted with pink flames.

7:54 am February, 8 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Popped collar polos

Replace leather and boots at

Sturgis for this year

7:55 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

Three crotch rockets shown:

The bike, her strap-on dildo,

his cheap body spray.

8:04 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

Crushing vag on the

reg really meant braking quick

and without warning.

8:10 am February, 8 UFO Destroyers said...

Miami Beach and

rental scooters get all the

insipid meatwads.

8:16 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

Reminds me of bags

from If you steal my sunshine

90’s Len single.

8:33 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

This circus act has

a clown, a he-she and a

cock ring of fire stunt.

8:37 am February, 8 HCwDBinNYC said...

Boobies rub Jack’s back,

Result is hard wood. Jenn will

Provide wraparound.

9:00 am February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Thanks for that Bag M.

I wasn’t mad enough from

The snow guy’s no-show.

9:06 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

That video just

gave me a cold. You get no

sympathy from me.

9:07 am February, 8 Charles Douchewin said...

. Her big crotch rocket

avoids cars and common sense

. while he’s on his bike.

9:16 am February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Douche would rather drive

Black Trans Am with a T-roof

Not his mom’s scooter

9:19 am February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

What do you call a

Douche and Bleeth on a scooter?

Great target practice

9:21 am February, 8 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Oh heavenly pear,

beware! road rash awaits,

in the fall! I prefer my pear,

to have skin intact,

Burma Shave!

9:43 am February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Top speed of 40

Fast and the Furious NOT

Hope there are no hills

9:44 am February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Bugs between her teeth

Shorts wedged between her butt cheeks

The glamorous life

9:48 am February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

No helmet, short shorts

Looking good beats being safe

Skid mark either way

9:56 am February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

They’re living the dream

Moped. Motel Six. Cheap beer.

It’s a real short dream

9:56 am February, 8 Bag Margera said...

The engine sounds like

a smooth high pitched fart, that goes

putt putt from her butt.

10:00 am February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Ocean side drive by

She flashes leg. He shows guns.

Plow through hotdog cart

10:35 am February, 8 creature said...

two rules broken

of wingback tat bro ethic

fat chick & moped

10:38 am February, 8 Morbo said...

Ex-UFC guy,

muscular “chick” start taxi,

called it Jim and Jim’s

11:23 am February, 8 The Dude said...

Roid ‘bag must work out

Between chauffeur gigs on mom’s

Fancy ass Moped

11:38 am February, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Trying to flee on

scooter doesn’t mean that sins

ever go away.

11:46 am February, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

“Hey baby! Wanna

ride my hog?” asks douchebag. Bleeth

settles for Vespa.

11:47 am February, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

“I’ll just break a leg

if I jump off now” thinks bleeth.

First douchebag jump-off.

11:48 am February, 8 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

The economy

Slow-Douchemobile traded in

Scooter brings your tart

11:49 am February, 8 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Trying to use a

scooter to haul ass is like

farting in windstorm.

11:54 am February, 8 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

Wakes up and is late

for work at the waffle house

Scooter ride of shame

One stop on the way

Bareback douche hump requires

mourning after pill

12:05 pm February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Homestead, Florida

Is great place to scout for Bleeths

You’d like to ass fucc

12:08 pm February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Wings Tatt on his back

Thinks he can fly. Needs more speed

Than Scooter can give

12:11 pm February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Douche has wings of ink

Instead of feathers and wax

Icarus would weep

12:19 pm February, 8 Bag Margera said...

Tattoos are result

of rough cougar sex scars, with

jet black nail polish.

1:19 pm February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Trying to watch road

While she’s giving reach around

Is tough to pull off

4:21 pm February, 8 Merle Baggard said...

Her bod is rockin’

Her face, I am unsure of

He is a loser

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