Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Thoughts and Links


Okay kids, time to play another round of “Homeless or Herpster”! It’s the easiest game to play in the world!! Every guess is correct and everybody loses!!


Undies Kelly makes the cockles of my hearth glow fond with burning ember.

The weekend is here. And it is weekendy.

I dunno, I keep hearing about this massive snowstorm but it’s 75 and sunny out. Huh.

Here’s your links:

Your HCwDB Classic ’80s DVD Pick of the Week: “This is the Cosby decade! America loves black people!”

Angry Ink rants about the four worst trendy tattoos. John Mayer’s body is still not a wonderland.

Meanwhile in England, celebrities you never heard of flash sideboob.

I have ambiguous feelings about this being a tattoo: Death Before Duckface.

Your humble narrator may just cancel his suicide plans after all.

Nasty-ass FruitPear.

Smartphone app to predict penis size. Owning a white BMW 535 also a pretty accurate gauge.

Okay. You’ve worked for it.

Wait for it…

Wait for it…


Not enuff? Okay. Have some


There ya go. You’re all set. Bundle up, East Coast. God’s dandruff’s about to bury you.

# posted by douchebag1
1:04 pm February, 8 bigphatnotadouche said...

straight to awesome pear. It’s a good spanking Friday everyone.

1:14 pm February, 8 FredN. said...

Those are her ACTUAL F’ing RIBS people. That’s some serious Ana.

1:22 pm February, 8 BigDaddyDouche said...

Dinner party pear is newcummer Jessie Rogers, pre-boobjob. Oh so sweet.

1:23 pm February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

PlanningDinnerPartyPear has a Lola Felana/thick Charlize Theron vibe going and I like it. When my mother’s obstetrician saw my cock he told the nurses to run.

1:30 pm February, 8 creature said...

Hobo Herpester Hott has a serious eating disorder

1:33 pm February, 8 creature said...

….as oppoded to the rev’s jesus sized cockk, I have a Satanic Sized Member….lil’ demon has a wicked mind of his own

1:45 pm February, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

That pic is a front runner for the Boss’s future show at the Guggenheim. Is it just me or does Ribsy look like she’s using Herpster for a toilet?

3:16 pm February, 8 army (ret) douche said...

Holy Loungepear… yeah that’s all i got

3:16 pm February, 8 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Nasty-ass fruit pear? geez, who pissed in your wheaties and told you it was raining?

4:07 pm February, 8 DoucheyWallnuts said...

This photo gives new meaning to the name, “Love Bug.”

7:20 pm February, 8 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I could use some gently soiled anorexics to warm my cockels. And by cockels I mean fertilizer.

1:20 am February, 9 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

Undies Kelly gives her poor Dad cardiac arrest and an early grave

5:24 am February, 9 DouchYouWannaDance said...

That poor girl on the left is nothing but shirt & bones! 🙂

6:53 am February, 9 Et Tu Douche? said...

I thought Mickey Rourke had his life turned around. C’mon Mickey your better then this.

6:29 pm February, 9 Guid is Good said...

This is why Apple stock is down 35%.

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