Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Herpster Frankie Designs Apps That Are Totally Gonna Make Him Millions
Most of Herspter Frankie’s apps won’t fly in a competitive marketplace.
But “Booblocater” has an outside chance of being acquired by Facebook.
One of his apps is called “Vinyl Wars.”
His first app was kind “Facial Handlebars.”
His facebook app is called “Scarfville”
The girls know him for his new app “Faggle”. It’s like Scabble, but with cocks.
A bit of life experience has taught me that if a girl has her navel pierced more than once, she will totally allow you to film you Jackson Pollocking her fake tits, and if a guy has his navel pierced more than nonce, he will totally tell you everything about why he thinks that bisexuality is a legitimate thing on a smoke break at Texas Land and Cattle.
Frankie need to download the Gym Locator app.
Yeapin’ Yiminey!
.I haven’t seen tits that big on faces that ugly since my days of cadging $5 lap dances at Larry’s Villa from strippers working a barely-lit room over-crusted with the smell of old semen, Mary Kay cosmetics and stale beer.
For a double sawbuck you could get a hand job.
.True fact
Rev @ 2:50 FTW.
I don’t quite know what that means, but it’s hilarious.
Those huge tits are really really bignacious boobies!
One of his apps is “Sunken Chest Locator”.
It leads you to him.
One of his apps is a game called “Angry Neck Rash.”
It’s like Angry Birds with oozing neck rash instead of birds.
And shit
That reminds me. Time to pick up the kids from the bouncy castle.
I don’t know who did that bombing, but very impressed by civilian, volunteer, first responder, clergy, etc. stories of blind heroism. Cause that is the way I roll.. and shit. I’m gonna go smoke a doob in their honour and shit.
I have a new app on these fucking iMac and MacBook and i Phone and iPad shit the wife made me learn during my indentured servitude working for her firm. It’s called “Fuck off Sync and Siri and just fuuuuck ooooofffffffff.”
Looks like his chest tatt says “Pride”
Doesn’t that mean he’s a Crisco Cowboy?
It’s like someone Frankensteined those two broads together, and gave the one Jimmy Durante’s face.
Which is kind of mean, actually.
Mr. Walnuts, got any stories about The Ol’ Shnozzola?
One of his Apps is obviously NOT “Tranny Locator.”
One of his Apps is obviously NOT “Smells Like Herring Locator.”
If I Googled shit right, RAFT UP! is at Lake Cumberland, Kentucky.
Sister fuckers.
Oh, and BOOBIES!
Each of her boobs has its own zip code.
If you motorboated her it would crack your skull.
They found the Donner Party, Amelia Earhart and the Lost Colony of Roanoake in her cleavage.
@ Douchable Helix:
I’ve seen this image before:

Hmmmmm….where was it?
Ah yes. The HIV virus.
You don’t motorboat those gozongas. You frigate them.
Sometimes when you get really drunk and stoned on a work night, the world seems a better place. If you drink and smoke late enough you can be stoned and a bit drunk all the live long day………………Son. But you have to avoid driving all the time cause the commie big government has you Lojacked, Man. There is no privacy anymore, Dude. Big Brother is here Mano.
In a time among other times is a remote outpost in another sector. The Red Barchetta sails along like a cool old motorcar until you have that dream where you could have made a better decisiion in the past and your teeth start falling out while the Dream Bank cheque bounces and you peed the luggage once on a trip and the memories haunt your night and you wake repeatedly in cold and hot sweats and chug some DM and Clonazepam and a Benedryl pill and smoke a doob and chug some beers to try to get to sleep.
I am that dream. Son.
You don’t frigate those gazongas, you QE2 them.
….fuck yeah, rev!
…I had that dream, but, I was nekkid…& only embarrassed for those who saw me… ‘n shit…sons
Those bazoomas probably don’t drop a fraction of an inch when unhostered. Also, My Puniverse needs a steak and a workout.
ps Herpster Frankie is just a cock holster.
You don’t QE2 those gazongas, you Oil Tanker them!
I’d submarine those tits with my twin depth charges after I’d mastered her Essex-class cleavage with my commander.
Of course, this is in my part of the country. Looking at the Raft Up event pictures, I’m glad I’m not a boating person. Lots of questionable life decisions going on in those pics.
Gotta give Herpster Frankie some credit–Ukrainian and Honduran mail order girlfriends will do anything considering they don’t really understand what his tat really signifies.
They are the Wendy Fiore and Jordan Carver to his Luke WIlson. Kinda.
What is up with the chick on the left’s head? Way, way too small for her body. Or maybe it’s not her head that’s too small.
^ Word. Perhaps it’s PumpkinHead’s kid sister. Bloody PumpkinHead, betcha he bowls from the pavilion end.