Thursday, May 9, 2013

Asian Justin Bieber Pays to Pose with Sophie

photo (46)

Asian Justin Bieber is convinced that with just the right breaks, he’ll be like the Anglo Psy.

In a related story, Fibonacci used Anglo Psy to confuse Fermat during a game of checkers one night in Oslo back in ’22.

Yup. Got nuthin’.

Not even coffee.

Time for tea.

I hate tea.

I blame your moms.

# posted by douchebag1
7:18 am May, 9 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Wow, the Chinese will knock off anything…

8:02 am May, 9 DouchYouWannaDance said...

The universe is trying to tell us something:

“[the European Research Lab] CERN have turned up the first evidence of exotic (and short-lived) atoms with pear-shaped nuclei.”

8:40 am May, 9 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

I guess I never noticed “this dude is a short pud” was a working category at HCWDB. Very fitting.


Sophie’s round supple breasts could bring about world peace.

9:11 am May, 9 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Grasshopper. Snatch the pebbles from my sack and die of auto-erotic asphyxia. Too soon? Too late?


I have a new understanding as of late how retarded people in Ohio can be.

9:51 am May, 9 Vin Douchal said...

Sophie’s naval is telling me her brown eye shrivelled when AJB’s tongue appeared

10:01 am May, 9 creature said...

…I’d pay to nose her!

10:11 am May, 9 DarkSock said...

This photo is why the “crop” command was invented.

10:12 am May, 9 DarkSock said...

Him…with HER…that’s what this site’s all about; involuntary and simultaneous renoB and vomiting…

10:36 am May, 9 creature said...

…yup, as I would pay to put my nose in any of her crevasse



11:53 am May, 9 I R A Darth Aggie said...

I’d pay Sophie…


…and it won’t be for posing…

1:58 pm May, 9 Douchble Helix said...

There’s nuthin’ like naturals…

6:19 pm May, 9 Wheezer said...


10:33 pm May, 9 The Dude (remote loc) said...

I digs the natch, yo.


And I’ll enthousiastically dig a hole for AJB to fall into.


I know, I left a participle dangling. Fuck it.

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