Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Delilah Bleachette delights in Bobby Ferina's Musk
Because he is the 2009 Arm Fart World Champion.
What do YOU have to brag about? Buddy?
Comment section’s right there, tough guy.
Because he is the 2009 Arm Fart World Champion.
What do YOU have to brag about? Buddy?
Comment section’s right there, tough guy.
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Memorial Day weekend is a big coming out time for trannies, so this photo is very appropriate.
Bobby has a musky, Victor Mature-like scent.
They can also use Bobby if midget tossing contests come back in vogue.
I have more pit hair than you do, Bobby. I’ll brag on that.
I can fart a low frequency whistle, or toot, for 7.5 seconds
I can brag about winning a local air guitar contest using “Hot for Teacher“. I was lit but hit every note. Bitches
In back, Parliament Funkadelic percussionist, Bobo Bonobo, checks his texts for the 136th time this morning to see if he’s got a gig Memorial Day Weekend
There’s something wrong with her face. I think it ‘s gamma rays, gin, and age.
I want Pear or I’ma gonna start breaching DB1’s “strict” porn filter again cause I’ma leaving work right now. Son. It’s to fucking nice out to be stuck in this biz park. Fuck it!
always nice when a Douche brings a wax model/blow up doll to the party
Dog, The Douchenozzle Hunter
her arms are bigger than his….is it so wrong to be attracted to gals who can pin you down & pummel-fuck ya?
peg boys
I had a MILF offer me $400 for a night once. So maybe that’s why he’s celebrating. But for Delilah the LF stands for Large Fries.
Some people need a bag over their heads.