Friday Thoughts and Links
Like taking a dump on coherency by way of anal plutonium.
That’s my new slogan and I’m sticking to it.
Because I know fashion.
Why, just the other week, I asked HC1 if my Land of the Lost sweater vest would clash with my gaberdine suit. And bow tie which was really a camera.
Cathy, I’m lost, I said as we boarded a greyhound. Which was odd because her name is not cathy, and it is very hard to board a dog. Even a large one.
My references are so out of date, they smell like moldy gouda.
Here’s your links:
Your HCwDB Please Buy Something on Amazon To Help Pay for the Site link of the week: “Woo woo woo!! Hey Hey Hey!!”
This is not an appropriate way to remove an appendix.
Do you have a hose that grows in your pocket? Would you like to?
The future of entertainment: Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal.
When I think of Pear Domination, this is not what I think of.
Why yes, I would like a side order of confusion.
Kisseus Vomitorious lives in an NWA video from 1992.
Okay, I got nuthin’. So here’s your Pear:
The purity of essence of femininity as imagined by fifteen year olds who read comics.
Slat Pear could make a blind man cry.
Fuccen crickets…..
I did buy some merch on Amazon via your link today. So, that oughta keep this ship running for what, another year and half maybe?
I bought a deep fryer.
I hear its the quickest way to shorn your balls these days.
That cyclist fell victim to one of the classic blunders – The most famous of which is “never get involved in a land war in Asia” – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Hasidim when cycling in Williamsburg”!
Dark Sock fingered a Sleestak (respect) once.
We’re all really lost aren’t we? I’ll tell ya, having Lenny The Box as my driver is one fucking funny day. HE got a laugh off the hooking up to the site by tethering fucking devices. Cause I can’t type with the phone and shit with my arthritic hands. I’m lucky I can fucking type, and i’m no fucking good at that either you’re thinking. Well fuck you ya bunch of Apeman ticking out random thoughts now that the higher power has assumed control and shit. I got bit twice by the same sshitty fucking dog today. Fucking farmers.
Yeah, I picked up this little puppy : Vox ToneLab ST Guitar Multi-Effects Processor Pedal this week and preordered the new George Strait cd at Amazon through here after clicking. So there’s a couple hundred in commerce.
Quoting the song “America” eh ?….
Simon and Garfunkle version
Yes version ?
two smokin gals with a notta who lets his broad pick out shades to match her outfit…OK he needs a sac buttress…
worked a coupla his shows & Ryan Gosling is a goddamn good fukkin dude…goin to the game, 1/2 in tha bag…all I got
doyer fans
btw, Vin, thnx for the S&G link…helped take the edge off my mid-afternoon boubon buzz letdown…back to the bar for pre-game festivities!!!
The Sleestack was sporting an early version of the Fauxhawk.
Dude borders on Nottabag.
No gaudy tatts or fucktard glue-hair. No duck-lips or pretentious labels.
Just a dude. And a Hott.
And I guess that’s OK.
Hassids..not just for lampshades anymore. You can take the hassid out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the hassid,. These fucks sit around Jurusalem all day, collecting welfare, sometimes smacking the blocks on their head against a wall, while the Greek Orthodox bullies put on their passion show daily plowing through the streets of tourists with ragheads bombing something while back here in the new world a cranky old pastor sends his family out to condemn soldiers and his own nation’s sins. We all got our white trash, Sons. O
He maybe a notta, but I’d still hit him with a surfboard and then take the hotts surfing…