Thursday, May 23, 2013
One Guy, Four DD Cups
There is an interesting back-story to this photo, I’m sure.
I defer to you, the reader, to expand upon it in the comments section.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013Late Night with HCwDB: The Road To Peardition – Volume 2
These ladies have a nice big can.
For other ladies also with big cans let us now travel to Italy:
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Two Word Wednesday
Flag Burn.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013Team Scribble accepts your obvious adoration
“Because life is but a guilded cage for our souls trapped in this temporal journey called Earth. And our flesh? It is but the paper of the soul upon which we inscribe our journey, no? We are the paper lining the birdcage of the soul…admire us if you DARE.”
Wednesday, May 22, 2013Delilah Bleachette delights in Bobby Ferina's Musk
Because he is the 2009 Arm Fart World Champion.
What do YOU have to brag about? Buddy?
Comment section’s right there, tough guy.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013Late Night with HCwDB: The Road To Peardition – Volume 1
“So what is the Road To Peardition, Mr. Sock?”, you whinny.
Well let me show you, Son. Like the girls in the photo here, let’s take a look under the hood. It will be a mini-series I run until The Boss gets back Monday.
Tonight’s edition: South America.
Amazing Argentinian Pear, featuring callipygian legend Fenny, aka AssPear LaPlante.
Fenny bends the shadows to the truth of her curves.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013Antoine is living the dream…
…and then his phone alarm went off. Time for the Taco Bell graveyard shift…
Tuesday, May 21, 2013hey kids it's national "bring your mom to the rave day"!!!
“Mom? MOM!!! Damn you, Xanax, vodka and tobacco!!! Courtesy wheelchair, please…”
…Trish and Cody decided to adopt their own adorable little Malaysian addition to the family. His name is Arnie and he’s a cabbie from The Bronx who likes baseball, Bioshock Infinite and boobies.
Arnie is happy now.
Please…Won’t you consider giving to the National Hipsterexia Foundation**?
A sandwich is a terrible thing to waste.
And yes, I know it’s early in the year but I would like to nominate Nermil J. Gerbilclench on the far right for “Most Trashcan-To-The-Head-Worthy” for the 2013 Douchies.