Friday, May 10, 2013

    Friday Thoughts and Links

    photo (37)


    Like taking a dump on coherency by way of anal plutonium.

    That’s my new slogan and I’m sticking to it.

    Because I know fashion.

    Why, just the other week, I asked HC1 if my Land of the Lost sweater vest would clash with my gaberdine suit. And bow tie which was really a camera.

    Cathy, I’m lost, I said as we boarded a greyhound. Which was odd because her name is not cathy, and it is very hard to board a dog. Even a large one.

    My references are so out of date, they smell like moldy gouda.

    Here’s your links:

    Your HCwDB Please Buy Something on Amazon To Help Pay for the Site link of the week: “Woo woo woo!! Hey Hey Hey!!”

    This is not an appropriate way to remove an appendix.

    Do you have a hose that grows in your pocket? Would you like to?

    Hipster V. Hasidim.

    The future of entertainment: Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal.

    When I think of Pear Domination, this is not what I think of.

    Why yes, I would like a side order of confusion.

    Kisseus Vomitorious lives in an NWA video from 1992.

    Okay, I got nuthin’. So here’s your Pear:

    Coquettish Slat Pear

    The purity of essence of femininity as imagined by fifteen year olds who read comics.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, May 10, 2013

    Friday Haiku

    photo (32)

    Jim Bob suffered from

    Alopecia of the chest;

    It drove him to drink.

    Rolling a fatty

    Now means something different

    Than it used to mean

    Na mean?

    — DoucheyWallnuts

    He shaves his manboobs

    Since the gyroscope was put

    In her Monkey Hole.

    — The Reverend Chad Kroeger



    Years of busting through

    walls reduced Kool-Aid Guy to

    mental four year old.

    — Douche Wayne

    Indian princess

    stay away from the crab cakes

    of D. B. Sasquatch

    — FredN.

    Hott prepares to roll

    Shamu back to his blue sea

    As his shock sets in

    — Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt

    Show me your landing

    strip, I’ll show you mine, said Chuck.

    Not a chance said Kim

    — Magnum Douche P. I.

    The evils of the demon rum,

    causes you to pass out,

    and get your chest shaved poorly.

    — I R A Darth Aggie

    # posted by Bagnonymous
    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    A Sphincter Says, "Shriveled Nads?"


    Oh, to reference the great comedies of the pre-internet times of innocence and joyousness.

    Oh, and them rocky cliffs are douchier than a post-coital Richard Grieco at an Axe Bodyspray convention.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Your Thursday Poem


    The night starry,

    She enters the club to pulsing techno,

    It cannot be unseen.

    Purple diarrhea,

    flows like molten douchelava,

    A willow harks,

    A sparrow chirps,

    Into the night…

    into the night…

    Purple diarrhea head saunters into the strobes.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Asian Justin Bieber Pays to Pose with Sophie

    photo (46)

    Asian Justin Bieber is convinced that with just the right breaks, he’ll be like the Anglo Psy.

    In a related story, Fibonacci used Anglo Psy to confuse Fermat during a game of checkers one night in Oslo back in ’22.

    Yup. Got nuthin’.

    Not even coffee.

    Time for tea.

    I hate tea.

    I blame your moms.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    HCwDB After Dark: Send in The Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts

    photo (1)

    Isn’t it rich?

    Are we a pair?

    Boobs here at last on the ground,

    Legs in mid-air.

    Send in the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts.

    Isn’t it bliss?

    Don’t you approve?

    One who keeps drinking shots of Patron,

    One who can’t move.

    Where are the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts?

    Send in the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts.

    Just when I’d stopped popping my collar,

    Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours,

    Making my entrance again with my usual bling,

    Sure of my bodyspray,

    My crotch it does sting.

    Don’t you love boobs?

    My fault I fear.

    I thought that you’d want what I want.

    Sorry, my dear.

    But where are the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts?

    Quick, send in the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts.

    Don’t bother, they’re here.

    Isn’t it rich?

    Isn’t it douchey,

    Losing my timing this late

    In my something that rhymes with douchey?

    And where are the Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts?

    There ought to be Paid-to-Pose Slutty Hotts.

    Well, maybe…. next… year.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    When Herpsters Play With Phallic Straws

    photo (42)

    Brunette Katie’s lithe luscious litheness makes Sutekh’s glowey eyes vibrate with synaptic desire.

    Sadly, the cost of buying Brunette Katie an appletini makes the DB1 punch an arthritic donkey nadsack with a rotten plum.

    Whether I punched that arthritic donkey’s nadsack with a rotten plum, or whether the arthritic donkey’s nadsack contained a rotten plum when I punched it, I will leave to the vagaries of the English language.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Game of Martinis: Homie Greg in the Land of the Inflated Melons

    photo (30)

    Angry Cersei Lannister will definitely be teaching Greg about how to play the Game of Thrones.

    And by Game of Thrones, I mean Game of Overpriced Martinis.

    Seriously, if that show introduces any more hanging subplots, I’m gonna cut off a nipple.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Ripples McGavin Thrusts Groin Taint in Jenny's General Direction

    Monkey 2

    And the ungodly site of GSR (Groin Shave Reveal) shames the arthritic Buddha and drains the Persephone Chalice of life-giving fluid.

    Persephone Chalice is a euphemism for the boob.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, May 7, 2013

    Thank you 'Bag Hunters and Huntresses….

    234234The coiff has been refueled with all sorts of skeezy HCwDB to the point in which your humb narrs feels itchy just for having looked at that much depressing evidence of cultural toe suckage.

    And not good toe suckage.

    I’m talking foot fung toe suckage after a week of running around playing live-action fusball in a dirty sock toe suckage.

    Certainly enough for a week of quality mock.

    Props and thanks to all who sent in pics. Your submissions and efforts never go unappreciated. If you didn’t do what you do, I might have to work more than an hour a week on this here site.

    Bringin’ it tomorrow…

    # posted by douchebag1
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