Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wallnuts After Dark; What the F^€k is a Meme?


Now I’ve been onto this Internet caper ever since Al Gore invented it back when he also served as the inspiration for that book that was a movie with that guy who looked like a Finnoch but wound up marryin’ that primo skirt Farrah Fawcett. Some kinda sappy love story. Anyways, I’m no Neander-Fucc but for the life a me I can’t figure out what the Fucc a Meme is.

I banged a Mimi once, but I doubt that’s the same kinda thing. Na mean?

So anyways, I went to the Google and looked this Meme thing up and what I found made my head hurt somethin’ awful. Here’s what that Wickerpedia says:

“A meme is “an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.”

Now what the Fucc does that mean? Ya mean?

So is Sinatra a Meme, or is it The Rat Pack? Is Dean a Meme? Sammy? I don’t remember any a them self-replicating or mutating. Now I seen guys like Skinny D’Amato make things happen by applying quite a bit of selective pressure, but was any of those guys units?  And I sure as shit don’t know what no cultural analogues is. I ain’t never even seen a word spelled with a “gues” at the end of it, either. A fannabala!

I remember once we was hangin’ at The Brown Derby in L.A., which sucked by the way, and we looked around and every guy was dressed like Frank. The hat, the pocket hankie, the shoes, smokin’ Camels, drinkin’ Jack and Coke; the Whole Nine.

We thought they was Cheese Eaters lookin’ to skate on our gig, and made fun a them, but accordin’ to this Meme thing they was just gettin’ the transmission of our gestures and other imitable phenomena. Whatever the Fucc that is.

In this day and age everything’s gotta have a name or a title or a meaning. From what I figure, every goddamn thing is a Meme. Sounds like we all is Memes based on this cockamamie definition.

# posted by Vin Douchal
12:41 pm May, 4 The Dude said...

Sounds like STD to me, but I have a jaundiced view of mankind. And yes, the Brown Derby sucked the one time I got fooled into going there dressed like Frank.


In otha woids, a really fun read DW!

12:43 pm May, 4 The Dude said...

btw, is a great way to continue the destruction of the english anguish.

12:50 pm May, 4 creature said...

…noe I can tell ya about MuMu’s

12:51 pm May, 4 creature said...

now…damned bourbon!

12:59 pm May, 4 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

I fucked a Mimi once. She too kept repeating herself.

2:26 pm May, 4 The Dude said...

I peed on a meme once.

5:28 pm May, 4 Rev chad said...

I knew a girl namws

5:33 pm May, 4 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

Respect to Wallnuts and all, but this is one of the weirdest photos I have seen on this site in the six years i have been perusing the many weird photos.

Weird i sez.

7:07 pm May, 4 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I love the Gizoogle! I got a Gizoogle in my pants, by the way.

7:40 pm May, 4 DouchYouWannaDance said...

Short answer: A “meme” is an idea that takes on a life of its own.

A “meme” is to an “idea” what a “douchebag” is to “assclown”.

10:20 pm May, 4 DarkSock said...


5:08 am May, 5 Guid is Good said...

Lucky Tiny be juiced up.

4:03 pm May, 5 Morbo said...

That picture is like an inverted Oreo cookie, with a bit of milk in the middle.

Black Hulk is popular this weekend, ain’t he?

7:58 pm May, 5 The Dude said...

Upon re-review, I must agree with Cin’B – this pic is really fuk’n weird. The guy in the middle looks armless, but those girlz are out for tuhrubble!

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