Wednesday, May 8, 2013
When Herpsters Play With Phallic Straws
Brunette Katie’s lithe luscious litheness makes Sutekh’s glowey eyes vibrate with synaptic desire.
Sadly, the cost of buying Brunette Katie an appletini makes the DB1 punch an arthritic donkey nadsack with a rotten plum.
Whether I punched that arthritic donkey’s nadsack with a rotten plum, or whether the arthritic donkey’s nadsack contained a rotten plum when I punched it, I will leave to the vagaries of the English language.
Harha,.. you Breeths dlink-a flee champagnie but when you done I terr you, it’s NON-archoric… HARHAHARHAHaaa
Check out the G.I. Joe Kung Fu Grip left brunette has on that bottle shaft. I am aroused.
The bleeth on the left brings up that age old question; would you bang a broad who has a bald spot?
Anyone who comes to the party and drinks Dom through a straw should be THROWN OUT OF THE CAR, I don’t are how hot they are.
JG brings up a great point and reminds me a the time we was at The Latin Quarter in Times Square with Desi Arnez, Bill Frawley, Joyce Randolph, Zasu Pitts and tree or four other losers. Arnez had just divorced Lucille Ball and was drownin’ his sorrows in Cuba Libres and anonymous Poon. Anonymous Poon, I says.
So old Desi, who had a cock like the antenna on a Lincoln Continental, was so gone he grabbed a bottle a Bacardi from behind the bar and started drinkin it right outta the bottle.
I remembers this big bouncer named Tommy Knee Caps grabbin Desi by the lapels and tossin his greaseball ass right out onta the pavement in front a all a these people.
I never seen poor Desi again.
Which goes back to JG’s point, if you drink outta the bottle, get the fuck outta here!
so you can suck ball bearings through a footlong straw…HIRED!!!