Monday, June 3, 2013
Evil Yellow Sunball Is Too Old For This S@#t
Murtaugh agrees. Bloated meatwackers are just as bad as anti-Semitic Hollywood movie stars.
And no, Mel, I’m not over it.
Sugar Tits.
Awrrright, this was a lame first post to start the week. But as your humb narrs is in Palm Springs on a writing weekend, what are ya gonna do?
Of course, my luck, Priceline sticks me at an uberscrotey Frathole party hotel.
Which, while having a certain symmetry with the fact I write Hot Chicks with Douchebags, does not a writer’s retreat make. Except for some Boobie Hottie Suckle Thighs to offer at least visual respite.
“Boobie Hottie Suckle Thighs to offer at least visual respite” Sorry for your pain Boss, that looks to be visual diarrhea and whats with the male blow up doll in the pool? WTF is going on in Palm Springs?
At least half those people peed in the pool. A quarter herpesed in the pool. I laughed at Bob Hope, once.
What is wrong with your eye bitch?
the air hose used to inflate her flap jacks was shoved up his ass…the left over ink from his tire tread tatt was poured on the part in her hair
DB1 – I think even the Ace Hotel would be a lesser ring of douchehell than where you’re stuck. Godspeed.
Penicillin Cha-Cha-Cha
Her hand looks like something the Baron would have crawling out of a shallow grave. Good thing he shaves his arms from the elbows up or we’d never see that hemorrhoid of a tattoo.
Fat and androgynous is no way to go through life son.
The Palm Springs health inspector better get over there stat, that pool is waaaay exceeding the allowable ppm of herps, ass syphillis, mean green drips and blue waffle batter!
Nice skunk-stripe in yer hair you skank, but the warning is redundant – I was warned off by the face.
It’s amazing how easily a nice big set of cans relaxes all my other standards of attractivity.
Hand out a Fugly Award to the both of them and snap the next couple. Hit the corners, kid, paint ’em with cheese
“Whenever you’re in Palm Springs, stay at the HOTel cORAL esSEX!”
Since you didn’t, pull the trigger with your toe.
Speaking of Mel, this chick should just shut up and blow me. Check out her DSL’s in this video:
Oksana Grigorieva
DSL’s I says
Fat and Androgynous indeed.
To echo one of my favorite Baron Von Goolo riffs ever, unleashed against Perez Hilton:
“What’s with the gay caveman?”
DSL, is that an option I can get on my next new car?
…hopin’ & wishin’
And sorry, mainstream news media, but I’m pretty sure that ‘All in the Family’ star Jean Stapleton (Archie’s wife Edith) died in the 90’s.
Along with Blue Jean Shorts and Abe Vigoda.
stonin’ hard on codeine. SOn.
Hey, boss, did you have anything to do with this llama drama?
Boss would NEVER taser a llama.

Chloroform, however…
That’s one ugly couplin’
OK looking at this chromosomal misfit I think we can safely say why the ancient Mayan culture really collapsed. Tough luck guys.
The Walleyed hott presents a particular challenge as I can never guess WHICH eye I am supposed to be looking at. Is there an algorithm for this kind of thing?
It’s Carl—