Thursday, June 6, 2013
Hairy Pouter and the Finger of Pointdoucheistan
Sometimes we need Invisible Hand of the Collective Unconscious ™ to help our Kelly Smile Hottie Butt Suckle Prods of the world realize the errors of their adult fiction reading ways.
So thank you Invisible Hand of the Collective Unconscious ™. For it needed to be pointed.
The Edgebag does not like being called out on his sh*t.
Looks more like Gollum than Harry P.
Kelli’s mom screams, “Don’t touch that you’ll catch something”!” Harry pouts, becasue he knows it is true.
Kelly Smile shows off her sibling at “Take Your Slow Brother to Work” Saturday down at the Bubble Room Club.
Management lets him in at half-off cover charge. But with a two drink minimum, of course.
Dear Kelly,
There are plenty more fish in the sea; throw this one back.
Notta, goinpeace. And watch out for those chompers scraping the chassis of your renob dude.
“Eliminatus Douchus!”
“Anal Sexius Bleethius!”
“Bendius Flat Brimius!”
Where is my HAIKU
its thurs rev
is wearing a Gazoo lid the bait you need to catch striper boobs?
Where’s the hot chick?
Harry needs to take the hook out of his home made sushi before eating it
Hairy Pouterstain has managed to make a smirk uglier than the rest of his life, so he has that. And he can keep it.