Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Rocky Mildly Disquieting Nightclub Show


Lets do the awkward hump again…

# posted by douchebag1
12:28 pm June, 5 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

He sneers in pain because she is gladly clawing his hands to remove them from her lady parts.

12:32 pm June, 5 creature said...

Shriners sure have changed



12:42 pm June, 5 Dickie Fingers said...

I’ve seen that rockerbag before. He’s known as Cleft Palate.

1:01 pm June, 5 Speedy Gonzalez said...

Is this site turned to Spanish Douchebags and Homely Chicks, Mang?

1:09 pm June, 5 FredN. said...

LGBTpix? Had no idea that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered folks had their own nightclub photographer.

1:12 pm June, 5 The Dude said...

Why do great pics of hott chicks keep getting ruined by sneering douchebags? Can’t he just go outside and hump a tree? Changing it to LGBTree?

1:27 pm June, 5 DoucheyWallnuts said...

LGBT are working to be recognized as Douchbags and Bleeths just like members of the Straight Community. However, the organization, “In Defense of Douchebags and Bleeths” say that you cannot be a Douche or Bleeth if you are LGBT.


Yes Homos

2:00 pm June, 5 creature said...

lots of douchey fagoaths out there



2:15 pm June, 5 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Note to Self: Don’t go to Ember for their XL Sunday Nights.




or ever

2:30 pm June, 5 Vin Douchal said...

He’s pissed that his cocckk is rammed in a chick’s ass….. then he can’t give his patented Turbo Reach Around®

7:26 pm June, 5 Italodouche said...

That’s Larry Numan in the picture right there. His dad Gary’s been looking for him ever since that fight over a stupid vial of mascara:

6:12 am June, 6 Guid is Good said...

After auditioning for the part of Dr Frank-N-Furter, sexually confused metro-goth douche got a walk on part as a weiner.. He stayed for the after party.

6:56 am June, 6 DouchYouWannaDance said...

I see two Chicks… neither of them Hot.

9:33 am June, 6 killdoucher said...

when did The Cure become popular again?

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