Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Douche Signs and Tongue, by Dr. Seuss


Do you like

douche signs and tongue,

I do not like them,


I do not like

douche signs and tongues.

Would you like them

Here or there?

I would not like them

here or there.

I would not like them


I do not like

douche signs and tongue.

I do not like them,


Got nuthin’. Need a coffee.

# posted by douchebag1
2:27 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

I like it when a hott wears her skirt impossibly low.

2:30 pm July, 16 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Sally on the left side of pic wishes she would have skipped this train wreck of a night and stayed home and read Fifty Shades of Grey. Again.

2:34 pm July, 16 I R A Darth Aggie said...

You will hear of douchebags and rumors of douchebags, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

2:52 pm July, 16 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

Isn’t the whole gang sign thing soooo 2010?



and not to belabor the point, but what IS/WAS the point of those hand gestures anyway?



.Does a suburban white chick/dude whose father is probably a dentist get sexual attraction points for mimicking a black street gang?



did they ever?



…..or is it just acting stupid for stupid’s sake that does the trick?

3:12 pm July, 16 Sir Douche said...

That’s one scary looking douche. And tongue wins over Gene Simmons.

3:47 pm July, 16 xoffender said...

gang sign on right looks delectable

3:48 pm July, 16 Magnum Douche P. I. said...

Choad: I think you answered your own question. Stupid is as stupid does.

5:10 pm July, 16 Tackle Box said...

Choad: Never has a peace sign, nor Devil horns, been a “gang sign”.

Unless, hippies and guys in black t-shirts at a Judas Priest concert are now considered gangstas.

6:39 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

Jenny LargeMons evokes the spirit of piece. Of ass.

6:41 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

Jenny LargeMons says “Is there a draft in here or are you just breathing hard on my Netherlands?”

6:43 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

Jenny LargeMons demonstrates her technique for performing chopsticks on her parents’ upright piano.



Speaking of Upright

6:44 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

Jenny LargeMons has three arms, so she can jerk you off while she plays chopsticks on her parents’ upright piano.




6:45 pm July, 16 The Dude said...

Jenny LargeMons is giving me the Mayan Eye of Quim.

7:10 pm July, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Jenny LargeMons is the new host on the view and I call cunt.

7:24 pm July, 16 DoucheyWallnuts said...

I second The Rev’s cunt and dost proclaim Low-Skirt Leslie gives me the renoBs.

9:38 pm July, 16 DarkSock said...

Jenny LargeMon’s skirt’s so low she has to shave her ankles

9:39 pm July, 16 DarkSock said...

Jenny LargeMon’s skirt’s so low she has to pull it UP to pee.

9:39 pm July, 16 DarkSock said...

Jenny LargeMon’s skirt’s so low deaf men can see her fart.




I don’t know what that means.

9:40 pm July, 16 DarkSock said...

Jenny LargeMon’s skirt’s so low her clit looks like Kilroy.




Did I use that one already?

9:40 pm July, 16 DarkSock said...

Jenny LargeMon’s skirt’s so low she has to lay down to reach her lighter

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