Monday, July 1, 2013

Schneider Gets Lucky


Give it up for Schneider finally cashing in.

He’s paid his handyman dues.

But before you give Schneider crap for cashing in with the cocktail waitresses working the midnight to six AM shift at the old school casino on the strip, know that Schneider also scored this.

Wifebeater tees.

Not just for anorexic lesbians.

# posted by douchebag1
10:48 am July, 1 FredN. said...

Don’t click for a larger pic. Three ugly ass faces, gaddammit!

10:58 am July, 1 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

No late ’70’s sitcom exemplifies the gritty, depressing ordinariness of the urban working class more than One Day at a Time. Bonnie Franklin’s obnoxiously scrunched ginger face made me daydream about suicide more than once, while Mackenzie Phillips was the leading cause of penis inversion between the years of 1976 and 1980.

11:11 am July, 1 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Meanwhile, at the Montenegro Center for Irono-European Dance Studies…

11:32 am July, 1 Dickie Fingers said...

On a positive note, they are probably very flexible.

11:44 am July, 1 Merle Baggard said...

I’d say they qualify as hot chicks.

12:05 pm July, 1 Capt. James T. Douche said...

He looks like the type that regurgitates Andrew Dice Clay bits word for word at Sunday dinner when his mom invites friends from church over.

Nursery Rhymers

12:49 pm July, 1 DarkSock said...

Definite Albanian Porn Set vibe going on here.


Porn Hubs.

1:10 pm July, 1 Douchble Helix said...

Nobody ever gave Duane F. Schneider nothin’. Goinpeace.

1:40 pm July, 1 UFO Destroyers said...

Looks like Schneider is trying to stifle a fart in both picturers. Either that or he’s trying to remember his middle name.

1:41 pm July, 1 Jurassic Douche said...

I could see this guy being in a Gunther music video.

1:53 pm July, 1 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Not gettin’ Schneider as much as I’m getting an Orlando Bloom vibe from him. Besides his wife is pretty hot snatch. I’d almost give him a goinpeace. Almost











2:13 pm July, 1 Ted Brogan said...

Blonde’s boob geometry is confusing.

3:02 pm July, 1 FoghornLeghorn said...

I give him a notta’. I’d have that same smirk on my face in that situation.

4:19 pm July, 1 DarkSock said...

Yeah what Foghorn says. In spite of the annoying Post-Stroke Deniro thing with the mug.


Mug, I says.

5:16 pm July, 1 Guid is Good said...

The Blonde seems to be getting her point across.

8:35 pm July, 1 creature said...

seen these yoga retreat gigolos operating around the southland for two decades now, & can’t hate on em for crowding in on my operation…just don’t tread on my mat


downward dawgs!

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