Monday, July 22, 2013

The Rare 'Bag Poselock


In lo these many years that I have mocked ‘bags with hot chicks, I have never run across this.

So I dub this moncrapestry the ‘Bag Poselocker and micturate on his ancestors.

# posted by douchebag1
7:15 am July, 22 The Dude said...

He’s giving her a fivehead. Poor thing.

7:57 am July, 22 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

It’s the pose that says, “You will never be free from me. Not even in death. For I shall wear your preserved skin while a bang the eyesockets of your skull. I love you that much, dear.”

7:58 am July, 22 I R A Darth Aggie said...

Is that Zaphod Beeblebrox’s little sister? why did she have such an ugly head attached?

8:08 am July, 22 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

I didn’t know gay bars were now fodder for the grist of DB1’s mocking mill.



.As a broadminded late-boomer, I have been taught by Big Brother to give all gaybags a “notta” …so I shan’t comment further.

8:24 am July, 22 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Chet Largeman watches UFC on the big screen and secretly wishes it was him getting pummeled by a sweaty, roid engraged modern day gladiator.

8:25 am July, 22 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

When you say late-boomer Choad, do you mean projectile diarrhea across the Vegas bathroom stall or were you born in the early sixties?


I asked my Dad (respect) once if I was a late-boomer or an X’er. He said ” You’re an asshole”


Mungo Jerry don’t call nobody an asshole.



8:25 am July, 22 Troy Tempest said...

The look in her eyes says to the camera “Hey honey, your college roommate’s devolved into a total douchenozzle. Get this over with – he’s such a twatwaffle. I’ll need to take a bath in drano just to get the stink off….”

8:34 am July, 22 DarkSock said...

It marks its territory with its pit pheromones.

8:48 am July, 22 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

My dog and I were just flaming some bad pipe and she said to me, “Rurururuuuuaahhhhhtruururururruruah”. In the middle english version of her mumbles it is interpreted to mean. ” I’m stoned. Food. How come you aren’t at work? Can we watch the best three minute of Sci-Fi music ever? Coooool.”


9:07 am July, 22 Vin Douchal said...

Ears, Nose and Throat intern, Gosucc Leminz , learns the true meaning of “spit or swallow” after offering Tina a free ear wax removal

10:07 am July, 22 DarkSock said...

Dammit Reverend I’d managed to finally through encroaching senility, time and booze to forget that incident.


Charles Napier barely managed to redeem himself by fronting The Good Ol’ Boys, who went on to become the house band for Bob’s Country Bunker once their Winnebago got drowned. Son.


Why, Kirk? WHY?

11:14 am July, 22 Choad the Douche Sprocket said...

I was born so long ago, Rev Chad, that I hardly remember the incident. My 89 year old mother (respect) tells me it was in the 50s, though.


.I was born so long ago that I’m tempted to call most of the douchenozzles on this site the poofters and nancy-boys that they really are.



.How/why women/girls are attracted to that sort confounds me to this day.





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