Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Benzino Puts on the Ritz
Only the chosen few ‘bag legends can perform narcissistic feats of transcendence while cuddling with Bottle Blonde Ashley and her ultra poochable suckle tauts.
Your humb narrs is still bottle burping and sleeplessing. Sorry the site can’t update as much these days but there will always be room in my life to mock the atrocious asspimple that is Benzinobag.
Keep up with that bouncing baby girl first, Boss. Don’t make her want to seek attention elsewhere, OK?
You can always turn it over to ‘Sock for a week to catch up on shuteye.
Way ahead of you, Wheezer.

Brace yerselves, kiddies. Startin’ Monday..
Leading up until then…if youse has pear…share. You know my email.
FMLA for the Chief?
Benzino cleans up well…..he’s starting to grow on me.
like a genital wart
which I dont have
I dont
The Great Shatsby.
I like messy girl’s butt. I’d like to lick it with a gentle thrust of the tongue to taste her chocolate dangler. Then give her Spider Monkey Sex like a binobo.
Speaking of spider porn, thanks for the suggestion in the prior thread, Sock.
Though after viewing what is among the deranged of porn related videos available on the internet, my interest was sparked to see what else was out there. I of course know what the internet has to offer, as I always enjoy a challenge and seeing what won’t kill one of my epic secular renobs.
Though I didn’t find anything worse than spider porn (alas, dogtied.com is no longer), I did find a little gem entitled American Dad! XXX, which is exactly what you think it is, and exactly what you never expected.
So, take the obvious, “American Dad!”, yes yes…McFarlans pent up fart after a long day of ‘writing’ scripts for Family Guy; and add “XXX”, which is indicative of pornography named after the old made up movie rating system for hardcore porn. Pretty easy to paint a visual image, right? I mean, we’ve all seen our fair share of anime demon-tentacle rape porn and old copies of the Tijuana Bible to know where this is going. But, no. It’s live action porn.
Skip the intro and setup, go straight to mark 09:00 to get the full effect. You won’t be disappointed.
I at first misread Rev’s post as saying he wanted to taste her “chocolate danger”.
I approve of both versions, and wish to be her toilet paper in a future life.
I’d like to say that I will have bad dreams based on Jacques’s posts and his exploration of Spider Porn. There is no question that Jacques, and whomever has visited those sites, is known to the NSAand at some point in the near future will get a visit from NSA agents. Unless he himself works for the NSA, in which case he will get a promotion.
That being said, Benzino has wrists and hands like a broad.
Speaking of Scat Porn, poor Edie Gormet passed away last weekend. If you never saw her and Steve Lawrence’s epic, “Stormy Weather,” consider yourself lucky. Those two were sick fucks. They made a series of gut-turnin’ flicks back in the late 50s and 60s that still get play amongst the Brown Fiends.
“Finless Brown Trout,” “Chunky Iced Tea,” “What’s That in the Punch Bowl?,” and some parodies of real pictures like, “True Shit,” “Five Easy Pieces of Doody,”Three Craps in the Fountain,” and “Poo Out the Rear Window.”
An the disgustin’ things they’d do like the Tijuana Chocolate Trap, the Philly Fudge Folly, and the Malted Milk Ball, amongst others.
RIP Dirty Girl.
^DW–what are youse? The Funk and Wagnalls of brown-eyed cinema ? Those things that Steve and Edie used to “partake” in aren’t even on the interwebs. There needs to be some definitions elucidated forth with.
The best I come up with though is that Philly thing has to do with the Liberty Bell, a powered wig, and a key on a string. And Tijuana? A sombrero, mariachi band, and an order of chili releno with refried beans. The Malted Milk Ball has to have a can of Carnation condensed milk, ping pong balls, and the cardboard tube from a paper towel roll.
I thought Philly Vanilly was some kinda bullshit lip-sync band from the 80s. Couldn’t even kill themselves, or something.
I dont know your email, but here is a lovely FB page you should peruse for prime pear.
That fb page is like the development league for porn.
@ bag em – I’m on it. Son. Thanks.