Wednesday, September 11, 2013
And then, in Germany, this happened.
Worst. Post-Holocaust. Germanic Atrocity. Ever.
Well. Other than this guy.
Worst. Post-Holocaust. Germanic Atrocity. Ever.
Well. Other than this guy.
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Scheiße !!! Scheiße, I says
Her shirt says it all… “DO SHE”!!!
Wow, Rod Stewart really let himself go.
I bet if you got within 10 feet of these two you could literally smell their venereal diseases.
I just threw up on the world a little.
Time to burn the furniture, mate
Wow, Christina Aguilera really let herself go.
A little off topic, but when did this movie get made and nobody go to see it? Isn’t it about the late CoP enshrinee Mecha Hiney?
She didn’t learn how to spell douchey in her ESL class so lay off will ya.
I’m going to take a wild guess that this broad has been simultaneously penetrated in multiple orifices. Multiple orifices I says.
It puts the bleach on
Its roots or it gets the hose,
The peroxide hose.
I read on the Interweb that one of those exploded last week.
It measured 5.2 on the Richter scale.
No problem finding the bunny on that one.
You could not motorboat those whoppers. You’d have to corvette them!
You could not motorboat those whoppers. You’d have to frigate them!
You could not motorboat those whoppers. You’d have to destroyer them!
You could not motorboat those whoppers. You’d have to cruiser them!
He got a palsy
Since the gyroscope was put
In her Monkey Hole
You could not change his face if he saw Sarah Palin’s retard son.
Sarah Palin’s retard son already beats that guy at checkers.
Checkers is to chess as Lenny is to Big Pharma.
Big Pharma and ham killed Mama Cass.
You don’t want to be the ham that killed Mama Cass.
Don’t show anyone Sarah Palin’s retarded son, Son.
That kid is Down.
The writers / contributors for uncyclopdia.wikia are all regs from this site. Fact.
Be honest. We’d do her.
Meinn Gott. Eurovision time again already?
She has a vaginal wart the size of an Audi A8.
Bizarro Elivira better lend Barry Manyblows her eyeliner so he can darken in that mustache.
P3ncil thin d1cks
Her Schmorbraten Curtains can cover the field at the Berlin Olympic Stadium.
Schmorbraten Curtains, I says,
Just like the Autobahn, her taint has no speed limit.
Her clitoris is the size of a Blechkuchen.
I am cancelling my order for Schmorbraten curtains in the second bedroom.
Second bedroom, I says. They look great in the third bedroom.
I have ordered a Blechkuchen for the second bathroom, I says.
Her nipples are the size of hand sewn Tischtuchs.
Her tits aren’t that biGGG
When you compare them to the
Real life Led Zeppelins
Klaüs’s blood type is Cialis.
Her boobs are so big they fart.
Her boobs are so big they each have their own belly button 8″ under each nipple
Her boobs are so big she has to turn slowly to avoid dislocating her pelvis
Her boobs are so big if she lays on her back she’ll drown
Her boobs are so big they pay taxes
Her boobs are so big she’s never seen her own dick
Her boobs are so big Israel pays her to stand at the Syrian border.
Her boobs are so big when she jogs they fire chowder down at everyone
Her boobs are so big their dander is Frisbee-sized and tastes like bacon.
Her boobs are so big they download milk from iTunes.
Her boobs are so big they taught Plinky’s Mom how to twerk
Her boobs are so big they invented buttermilk when she fell down a hill once
Her boobs are so big they’re literally bolted on
Her boobs are so big they have eyes and teeth
Her boobs are so big Merle Haggard shot at them once
Her boobs are so big Sarah Palin can see them from her house at the same time I can see them from mine.
Her boobs are so big the nipples have moon-scrapes
Her boobs aren’t that big. They can’t even reach the asstitoid belt.
Her boobs aren’t that big. Sarah Palin can’t see them under the sunrise when she looks west to shoot a moose in the morning,
Her boobs aren’t that big. The lower 48 can’t see them around a bloated beaurocracy maskading as 24/7 news. <-I'm really tired of all that crap.
mascquerading. Damn, that girl’s tits blocked my spell check!
Her boobs are so big they wear belts
Her boobs aren’t that big. Oh wait, they are.
Her boobs are so big Randy Travis got found drunk on them.
Randy Travis is one wild drunk.
Drunk rhymes with skankity skunk.
Skunks have been known to pass rabies to persons that get all up in their bithess when they were encephelatic.
You don’t want her boobs to get rabid so don’t drink with Randy Travis.
Her boobs are so big when she gets home before sundown on Shabbos her boobs are 10-minutes away.
Her boobs are so big they have mezuzahs.
Her purse is so big she keeps a small toutboard motor and a case of transmission fluid in there, ” just in case.”
I’m not seeing it. All I’m seeing is large and round.
visited this site enough to know to divert my eyes while clicking on the link and all but still, jeez give a guy a warning