Monday, September 30, 2013
Pontius Pimplate Washes His Hands of Pear
You’re fooling no one, Pontius. Get thee to a P-Town Clambake and leave the oggling to those of us who don’t know the first names of Right Said Fred.
You’re fooling no one, Pontius. Get thee to a P-Town Clambake and leave the oggling to those of us who don’t know the first names of Right Said Fred.
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Photobutt. Works for me.
Oh my! There are no scrotum betwixt those thighs….pity..
A baked out sun bleached Douche
Reacts like Lyndon Larouche
When he mailed his cash
And they found his stash
And his prez candidacy went “whoosh”
That is an epic ass. Her’s ain’t too shabby , either.
Maybe we can’t fault this guy for trying to smell one of her farts.
I’d bake that clam in her Pee-Town.
Her butt is so round it’s used as an afro-wig template.
Her butt is so thick her toilet paper has handles.
Her butt is so thick this is her bicycle seat:

Her butt is so thick OSHA forbids her from doing anal.

Her butt is so thick she farts gravy.
Her butt is so thick she got stuck in Congress.
Hall of Pear…
H.O.P., I says…
I would stare at that butt all night, much as potatoes do to me when I sleep.
To paraphrase the ancient philosophizer Steve Martin:
She Had The Pear.
Yes, she was witty; she was intelligent. She was born of high station. She spoke and walked proudly. She was the kind who displayed nobility, who showed style and class. But above all, she had the Pear.
Many people called her by her last name; some closer friends had a confidence with her and shared the intimacy of her first name. But to me, she was always “Lady Buttocks O’Plenty.”
It is true. She was clever and she was charming, but above all, she had the Pear.
I wish to be her doo-doo.
Those Daisy Dukes in the middle look pretty inviting as well, by which I mean I could drizzle my gizzle on her brizzles!
Nice ass, no?
I would simmer a thin salty consomme with her liquid effluence.
Arlo’s Clammy Hamhock is killing me, Larry!
I imagine this guy is about to do a bad injun impression. Something like this:
And that butt is so thick she bleaches her asshole with gasoline and a drill with a steel brush attachment.
Hell, that butt is so thick she wipes the dingleberries with a 55 gallon drum of lacquer thinner, a canvas tarp, and a grain thresher.
Sheeeeeeiiiiit! That butt is so thick she only feels anal penetration by a Saturn V rocket.
That butt is so thick she measures dildos in base sixteen.
That butt is so thick she uses Preparation X.
And not to detract from the plump, meaty pear displayed before us…but did you catch a glimpse at the veiny arm and hand on that broad? I fear what we may discover we’ve been fapping it to when she(?) turns around…
Still…that butt is so thick it’s been in growing pains.
Get it? Growing Pains? Alan Thicke? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ok, whatever….
Hey, lookit this!
I saw that ass in my dreams but it was on the Mythbusters chick’s head.
Sorry fellow ‘bag hunters. Been away for awhile after a few too many crank/bathsalts/cheap hooch benders….but the 28 day rehab is now history so the Old Choad can resume his manic porn surfing and other worthwhile avocations.
.That being said, her ass is so round her hemorrhoids look like avocados…
….and he is gayer than a Fire Island weenie roast.