Monday, September 16, 2013

The Bro Who Found Pear


Ah yes, one of the lesser Brothers Grimm fairytales.

The Bro Who Found Pear.

Like the infamous Brothers Grimm fable, The Jew Among The Thorns, this one’ll be erased from the past, sanitized for the sake of the kiddies.

But at least The Bro learns a moral lesson: The pursuit of that which one seeks most in the world is not worth it if the price paid is in bodyspray.

So it’s got that going for it.

That, and boob squeeze.

# posted by douchebag1
1:44 pm September, 16 Vin Douchal said...

Jew fable, harsh


These hotts, waaaay doable. Nice. I’d do “Sister Wives” with these three.

1:50 pm September, 16 bigphatnotadouche said...

pear and boobies – good combination.

The douche is going to explode for holding in stomach for so long.

Good riddance, I say…


2:52 pm September, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I’m with Vin. And BTW Vin I met Brad Park, Terry O’ Reilly, Don Cherry, Gerry Cheevers, and Rick Middleton at a John Wensink roast in Shittown. Fucking Bruins.

3:20 pm September, 16 Wheezer said...

If the bro holds in that gut much longer, he’s gonna turn purple.


Yes, I know you’d have believed me, but the photographic evidence sends the message right home, doesn’t it?




That’s why we baghunters/huntresses need boobies and pear so often.

3:24 pm September, 16 Wheezer said...

Jon Favreau signals to Robert Downey Jr. that these are the next Iron Man dancer hotts.




Had to make up for the creepy Fung shot, ya know…..

3:27 pm September, 16 Vin Douchal said...

@ Rev


Awesome group. Don Cherry is a loon. You’re lucky Terry O’Reilly didn’t punch you in the kidneys just because




3:34 pm September, 16 DarkSock said...

Those is quality real-world butt-steaks.

3:46 pm September, 16 Douchble Helix said...

This is one of those pics that makes me all tingly in places.

3:48 pm September, 16 The Dude said...

This guy needs one of those exploding wafers from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life.

4:41 pm September, 16 Wheezer said...

Boss? ‘Sock?



5:58 pm September, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Purple, Son. That was funny. I’m stoned. And all kinds of shit and kitties.

6:09 pm September, 16 Ted Brogan said...

Oh my.

8:13 pm September, 16 killdoucher said...

sausage fingers is gonna do some sanchezzin….dirty fuckin dooosh! ….or maybe…lucky middle white class guy!

6:17 am September, 17 Douchesdownunder said...

Down here, we most definitely nominate Boob-squeeze in the middle for HoH- she is damn fine. And Favreau gets a notta – what the fuck would you be doing in his position?

But he is a fat fucker.

6:27 am September, 17 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

I’m going with notta, go in peace. This guy is so far out of his league its not funny, but yet he appears oblivious to that fact. 2013 The Ricky award ?

7:43 am September, 17 DouchYouWannaDance said...

The always-subtle Sucking-in-of-the-Gut in the presence of Hotts.


Totally pulling it off, Dude.

10:33 am September, 17 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

Three signs of douche 1) hand gesture 2) spiked hair and 3) chin fungus- the gut suck just tops it off so HE MAY NOT GO IN PEACE- he desreves to be mocked.

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