Friday, September 13, 2013

Your Friday Caption This Pic


Between diaper changes and work on a new project, your humb narrs didn’t have time to get any good links together this week.

Well, there is herpster car mock.

And your Amazon Buy Shit Link in honor of Yom Kippur: Jesus Christ Superstar (40th Anniversary Edition)

And this incredibly cool use of digital technology to merge historical crime photos wit contemporary images.

And Tri-Pear.

You’re welcome.

But other than that, I gots the nuthin’.

So while I suck at keeping up this site with the intensity of mock that defined our halcyon days, I do have this.

A Caption This Pic of conversatorial HCwDB.

What the hell do these husk/shells of human beings actually discuss on a daily basis?

And with that, we drift into Friday eve.

And Yom Kippur. Where your humb narrs fasts and repents for my many, many sins. Lets hope Adonai forgives me. I know He has to, but I’m not so sure.

Is it a sin if you only lust in your colon?

# posted by douchebag1
1:01 pm September, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

“I’m also a member of the Pear Club for Men!”

1:10 pm September, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

“Licks a sledgehammer? Are you serious?”

1:12 pm September, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

“No, really, Ben Affleck. Why would I make that up?”

1:22 pm September, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

“There is no rest of the joke… they are called ‘undocumented’ now”

1:26 pm September, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

“So CNN calls it death sentence for rape… like impalement, disembowelment, torture, and murder are just complications…”

1:36 pm September, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

“There is no other Alyssa Milano video. That’s the point, Steve.”

2:41 pm September, 13 jonezy said...

“seriously, you’re the first Armenian I’ve ever met”

2:42 pm September, 13 jonezy said...

“the scab was about yeae big when I had my first break out”

2:43 pm September, 13 jonezy said...

“if you’re really Joe Rogan, why aren’t you in the VIP section?”

2:50 pm September, 13 The Dude said...

“They’re not all tattoos. I have a bad rash.”

3:04 pm September, 13 Wheezer said...

“In ‘The Speed-Dating Pool,’ the pool water still turns blue when you take a leak.”


See: skinny, pale choad with back bling in rear of photo

3:25 pm September, 13 wonderdouche twin said...

And when I’m not a Red Bull girl during the day I’m taking night classes! I’ve been going to the local community school to become a blood draw nurse, its really gross though so I think I’m going to fall back on plan E since my cosmetology license expired, and go back to work for my dad at the Allmendinger Pancake House he pays me like thirty dollars an hour to seat people……….

Ugh I can’t believe she is still talking, she’s got some hips

on her! more cushin’ for the pushin’! groo up top!!

3:41 pm September, 13 UFO Destroyers said...

“So, you’re telling me that your lips were sliced off by a garbage disposal that you thought was a bong?”

3:44 pm September, 13 UFO Destroyers said...

“You like these frames? I can get you a pair too. I just gotta wait for my Aunt Edna to fall asleep tonight when I go home. Do you want the chain that comes with ’em?”

6:23 pm September, 13 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

So first the pus-like discharge came out, then the sores showed up. But its all cool, they went away like a day or so ago.

6:26 pm September, 13 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

Yeah really, before the operation my name was Steve.

7:24 pm September, 13 Douchble Helix said...

Sure, I’m always happy to do DB1’s fucking job for him. Like *I* don’t have important things to do.

7:58 pm September, 13 Et Tu Douche? said...

“Seriously, he peed in a horse once”

8:21 am September, 14 Douchble Helix said...

There will never be enough Yom Kippurs to atone for Snooki and the gang.

1:08 pm September, 14 DarkSock said...

“I don’t think I can hold them in any longer. I told you 6 eggs was my limit…”

2:09 pm September, 14 DarkSock said...

“Honey, you’re supposed to get in the pool before you pee…”

2:18 pm September, 14 Vin Douchal said...

Fucken bastids. Since when is it open season for getting dirty looks and people moving from their (free grandstand) seats while glaring at me like I’m fucking a goat while beating a child for smoking a cigar?


Outside. At the horsetrack. Fuccen degenerates

2:25 pm September, 14 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

You can suck cocks in public but no cigars. You could use a man like Schwartzenegger again. (to the ‘All In The Family” theme). I think Chris Christie lighting the boardwalk on fire and Putin’s new role as POTUS got Douchey Wallnuts all verklempt and shit.


Hail to the Czar

7:16 pm September, 14 The Dude said...

Jeremy Piven’s retarded brother can theoretically pull the hotts, or so he says.

8:28 pm September, 14 The Dude said...

Jeremy Piven’s retarded brother wonders when they’ll come out with Coors Light Lime.

8:30 pm September, 14 The Dude said...

Jeremy Piven’s retarded brother keeps his poker face as Backwards Hatt Hott tells him about her threesome last night.

5:33 am September, 15 Douchble Helix said...

“… and work on a new project…”


Scam Porn Auditions: The Search for Snookie II

5:58 pm September, 15 The Dude said...

Jeremy Piven’s retarded brother called, says that’s actually Jeremy Piven in a wig and fake tats for his role in the new Vin Diesel tv series, “Pool Cop”.

10:41 am September, 17 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

Rita later found out that no matter how long you stand in the pool, you can’t drown crabs.

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