Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Bros Bored By Pear
This post brought to you by broccoli, the brontosaurus, and the nation of Bromania.
This post brought to you by broccoli, the brontosaurus, and the nation of Bromania.
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UnBroleivable. It’s Brothetic.
Brodayous Ass pear and the Bro’s don’t care!
There’s a disgusting undertone to DB1’s commentary.
Spot on, dude
An excellent run of characterisations lately.
Culminating in the air-intake tats above.
What happened America? you suck now.
John Largebum on the left is envious of the lady Pear.
I like the cut of her jib. And by jib I mean the way I imagine her…..Oh. fuck it. I second the cunt on Felicia from the last post.
I’d keep the clew of her jib to the aft of my mast, until the right moment. And by ~the right moment~ I mean I’d poke her in the starboards if the Bro’s wouldn’t mind. Which they don’t, because Bro!
I wish to be her doo doo.
That is all.
Abroham Lincoln spoke of “Four Score” and something else, which makes me think he was okay.
Same with Lindsey Brohan – a poet for our times. huh?
Nice turd cutter on that one. Also, I think this is the first time I’ve seen the hover hand on a guy.
Ebrony And Ibrony Live Together In Perfect Harmony
Side By Side On My Piano Keyboard, Oh Lord Why Don’t We?
Ebrony, Ibrony Living In Perfect Harmony
Ebrony, Ibrony, Ooh
I’ve seen better.
In the great words of Barney Stinson:
(a switch hitter himself)
1. Bros before hoes. The bond between two men is stronger than that between a man and a woman because on an average, men are stronger than women. That’s just science.
That’s rule number 1! SON!