Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Marty Crotchensack Hits the Community College Pool Area
Supple Pamela and Giggle Kelly are bemused by Marty’s K-Mart bling as they take a break from majoring in pre-med. Or is it pre-law?
Bonus points to anyone who can identify the flying alien spacecraft bong in the lower right of the pic.
Banksy? Is that you?
Marty stuff his swim trunks with a 7-11 roller corndog. Fact.
[Bonus points to anyone who can identify the flying alien spacecraft bong in the lower right of the pic. ]
That’s the gyroscope RevChad tried to place in her monkeyhole.
Douche is rocking the Freddy Mercury (respect) look.
Freddy pulled it off better…
I didn’t know werewolves could have Downs Syndrome.
This is why the swimming pool at the Dubai Hilton sports a colorful, oily sheen.
Pamela’s sub-woofer pounds out the beat like a fleshy pink skin-tuba with a missing spit valve.
Get back to work Marty. That pool’s not gonna clean itself.
Due to a lower back injury and absolutely no money, Rodrigo’s nieces act as his crutches to and from the neighborhood senior citizen sitz bath
Giggle Kelly’s deeply inlaid cleavage makes me happy.
^Werewolves with Down Syndrome” is fucking funny. son
The UFO looking bong is actually a 2008 Douchie statue that was stolen from the home belonging to the mother of the Metaphysical Hooligan in 2009. It is resting in an upside-down Frank Sinatra style douchebag hat.
He’s got the Vince from Sham-Wow pose down.
Ahh, the Metaphysical Hooligan in 2009. I remember some of that. Year.