Reader Mail: Unclear on the Concept
Angry Felicia writes in with one of the more dubious , inaccurate, and probably just the classic “spurned ex” douche tags of recent times:
Subject: Shit talking doiche
This Travis he is a special kind of stupid meanin he doesn’t know how to open his mouth without talking shit to everyone around him. Travis might be compensating for only being 5’4″ but he has a habit of f@#king up anything good that comes into his life, but he would never admit it.
Sorry Angry Felicia, totally not seeing it and you’ve presented no supplementary supporting evidence. Without probable cause, we must acquit.
I would like to take this opportunity to call Felicia a cunt.
Notadouche and notahot.
However her feathered hair and necktatt indicate “floozy” and is actually a target for dicksnot.
The glove don’t fit. We must acquit.
Felicia = skankholio.
Sometimes, not being in a relationship is A-OK. Na mean?
Wait a sec………
Is that a tattoo ring around her neck?
I don’t think we should be so quick to give her a nottadouche!
Considering he had enough of the dozy bint with the neck tattoo to kick her to the curb, he at least has one point in the notta column.
Come on in, the meth is fine!
Congratulations, Felicia. This was a brilliant idea.
“he has a habit of f@#king up anything good that comes into his life…” So that means you were always on top? So why is she bitching?
Stay classy Felicia.
Pfah? From college? Before the Low T?
She’s a real Phi Beta Kappa Rhodes Scholar type. Who is she to criticize anyone? Nice!