Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Artistic Meatwad


Sometimes black and white just captures the nuances of the pathos of a given moment in ways that color cannot.

# posted by douchebag1
10:05 am October, 10 Douchble Helix said...

How does one gauge Closet Of Poo potential?

10:07 am October, 10 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Hellboy: The Sepia Wars

10:10 am October, 10 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Do I look stupid when I make this face?


Fuck Yeah! try to hit me while I run around your Hmong.


Get off my lawn.

10:10 am October, 10 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

X-Men 5: X-Ploded

10:11 am October, 10 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Jarhead: The Biography

10:13 am October, 10 Dickie Fingers said...

He was born with a misshaped head and his mom couldn’t afford a helmet. She made him wear a paint can to bed.

10:27 am October, 10 FlipFriddle said...

B&W really captures the moment. Weeze and Bryce would agree.

Ted Turner would only need his “Swole Orange” crayon to colorize that one.

10:37 am October, 10 Vin Douchal said...

Wow! If only the Paleolithic man knew the power of black and white imagery, think how awesome the Cave of Altamira would have come out. Stupid Paleolithic man

10:41 am October, 10 The Dude said...

She’s top heavy.

10:46 am October, 10 Vin Douchal said...

BTW, Happy David Lee Roth’s Birthday! Slip on your spandex tank top and zebra striped pants and groove to THIS

11:43 am October, 10 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Well-known body building Douchebag, Jay Cutler. Not the Bears’ QB.

11:55 am October, 10 Douche-a-saurus said...

Right you are DW…

No wonder the top-heavy hott looks comatose next to this scrotestain…

Mr. Scrotebags wifey is at home

12:32 pm October, 10 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Poo. Poo! POOOOOOOO!!!!!!

12:37 pm October, 10 Jacques Doucheteau said...

This guys chin is so square it has a hypotenuse.

12:39 pm October, 10 Jacques Doucheteau said...

This guy’s chin is so square it inspired a Buddy Holly song.

12:39 pm October, 10 Jacques Doucheteau said...

This guy’s chin is so square it fits in most overhead luggage compartments.

1:30 pm October, 10 hermit said...

As I sat waiting in my truck on Indianapolis’ near-north side to meet a client, I noticed a middle-aged woman walking toward me on the sidewalk . It was 11:00 but clearly she was hung over and had just woken up. I one hand was a leash connected to a large St. Bernard with droopy, bloodshot eyes and floppy, drooling lips. In the other was a gray plastic bag, bearing the name of a local grocery store. The dog walked, stiff-legged and arthritic with his nose to the ground. He finally stopped and began to sniff a particular spot with increased interest. Soon he began to circle the spot, and with great effort, squatted and hunched over like a giant kangaroo. His tail twitched spasmodically as a long cylindrical tube of dog shit exited his rectum, curled around and tapered off to a point, finally coming to rest on an unfortunate neighbor’s freshly-mowed lawn.

When finished, he turned around to sniff his still-steaming creation, shook himself and looked at his owner with a dim-witted satisfaction. The woman looked around once and dutifully slid the grocery bag over her hand, reached down and grasped the two and a half pounds of moist turd. She deftly reversed the bag and tied it so as to seal her prize for transport.

As she walked by I couldn’t help but notice that the gray and lumpy plastic bag of dog shit, swinging lazily from her hand, bore a striking resemblance to this monochromatic Meatwad right down to the tapered top portion.

2:03 pm October, 10 THEONETRUEDOUCHE said...

Reminds me of this:

3:40 pm October, 10 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Whether B & W or in color poo always shows through and this side of beef is a triple flusher if I’ve ever seen one.

4:02 pm October, 10 DarkSock said...

If you cover the bottom half of his face so you can only see the eyes then it becomes clear that she currently resides behind some heavy plastic sheeting, or perhaps a musty shower curtain, under about 2 feet of loose soil.

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