Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Star Spangled Booty


Oh, say can you see?

by the club’s early light,

What so proudly we fistpumped,

at the twilight’s last raving?

Whose butt stripes and butt stars,

thru the perilous tights,

O’er the spandex we watched,

were so gallantly jiggling?

And the booty’s red glare,

the douchebags with their hair,

Gave proof through the night,

that our buttfondle was still there.

Oh, say does that glute-spangled booty yet smear like a bagel with lox,

O’er the land of the douchey and the home of the something that rhymes with wave but describes douchey Vegas club culture?

Thank you… thank you… no thank YOU…

I’ll be in my trailer.

# posted by douchebag1
11:25 am November, 14 Ed Hardy Har Har said...

“Rave” was the word you were looking for.

11:43 am November, 14 Magnum Douche P. I. said...

Wow, I bet the colored fellas (respect) are lined up outside her house every morning for a chance to tap that big booty.

12:10 pm November, 14 Dickie Fingers said...

I’d spangle it.

12:24 pm November, 14 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Mental note: don’t ever eat at the Resto Spice House. Or even enter it.

12:24 pm November, 14 The Dude said...

God shave America’s

Pubes and we’ll see

Preening douchebags

And bleeth hags

On the pages of HCwDB

Stand beside them

You’ll decry them

O’er the dried up

Vegas sea

God dress America

GSR I don’t want to see

12:25 pm November, 14 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

That looks like *wretch* body paint *double wretch* on her. How many coats did it take to get it to look THAT good?

12:53 pm November, 14 Magnum Douche P.I. said...

“Spice Resto Lounge – The best club in Hollywood, Florida.”


That’s kind of like saying you are the best basketball player in a midget basketball league.


And may I say that is the wristdana to end all wristdanas.

1:13 pm November, 14 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Anyone who is opposed to burning the flag HASN’T seen this pic.

1:13 pm November, 14 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

Old Glory Hole.

2:36 pm November, 14 ChoadtheDoucheSprocket said...

I’d star spangle that booty o’er the land(ing) of my semen, and the dawn’s early light.

3:07 pm November, 14 jonezy said...

reminds me of a real tasty Latina I dated a long time ago. By dated, i mean we went out 3 or 4 times and got naked together at the end of the night.


Thing was- couldn’t understand anything she was ever saying. Her accent was so thick, could barely tell what she was babbling about, and why would I even care, ya know? But then in one of my more sober moments with her, we were talking about what we’d like to do, 5 year plan type stuff. She says “oh I just wish I was married right now. All my sister’s have kids and I just love kids and really, I wish I had a kid right now and was married”


Well, that was all I needed to hear. Gone-zo.


I’m guessing a greencard was part of the deal too cuz she was from Panama or something Latin like. But boy did she ever have a backside!!!

5:37 pm November, 14 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

Gives new meaning to “broad stripes”… yeck

5:26 am November, 15 Chris in 'Baghdad said...


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