Your Monday Morning Bob Puker
While ginormous douche-watches haunt the collective unconscious, and Bob Puker macks on Paid-to-Woo Sandra, it’s time your humb narrs fired things up around here.
Lots of pics in the hamper, but always grateful to all who send in bag ‘tags. If ya have want to track down some quality HCwDB pics to submit for the site, send em to douchebag1 at hotchickswithdouchebags dot com. Or use the link up top.
This site’s quality mock relies on the hard work of the pic hunters, and I tip my diaper-stained cup of Night Train to y’all for helping me to keep this place humming along.
Your #2, DarkSock, is also recovering from some pretty heavy surgery. He’s fine, and will rejoin us shortly, but light a sparkler to Vishnu in his honor. These horses ain’t gonna pee in themselves.
Geez, I hope the Sock is okay. Maybe The Rev can put together a Lenny the Box care package and send it on along to him. And to me, for that matter…
Bored blonde Barbara is overcome with the ennui of it all.
Get well DarkSock. That equine herpes is a motherfucker.
Bob just caught a wiff of Woo Sandra’s woo-woo. It was enough to put DarkSock under the knife.
My speedy and complete recovery prayers for DarkSock. One of the finest!
Mr. Puker is performing an Inverse Death Tongue. It’s really not as impressive.
What time is it Mr Puker? Time to thumb wrestle with Ms. Construction Worker Hands. She practices by squeezing tennis balls ’til they burst into a cloud of green fuzz.
Later on she’ll fingerPOP his asshole
Must be his back this time. Lenny The Box is on the list for neck and lower back on account of the Bamboo spine he’s riddled with. Get a big prescription for everything Mr. Sock. We got weed.
And shit. Son.
I once had Bamboo Cock, but it was a temporary thing that cleared up after I stopped banging Filipino Fan Dancer.
…gettin old is a bitch, DSock…perhaps they can hook your catheter up to a horse?
…speedy recovery, ebon hose…& good voo doo to boot
Get well soon, Sock. God willing, you’ll be back out on your boat in no time.
Did I mention my son is a complette and total ass?
Get your ass back in bed bitch!
Godspeed, ‘Sock!
Whatever that means.
Poor ‘Sock…..”In Soviet Russia. horse pee in you!” That’s what he gets for visiting Stalliongrad.
Seriously, wishes for a speedy recovery for our horsemaster!
Get well, DarkSock. Evolution has screwed us in so many ways, including part wear and replacement.
But take heart, this is a time for partners to compensate.
And if I sent you a get well card, the cover would look like this.
It’s a bit annoying when puds like Puker fail to properly form ‘The Shocker’ (two in the pink, one in the stink).
Is it wrong to want to club that douche to death with his own watch?